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Excellent and multidisciplinary training

  • MPCI (Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry-Informatics)

    The MPCI degree (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science), created in 2012, is a selective multidisciplinary degree co-accredited by Aix-Marseille University and École Centrale Marseille with the objective of pursuing dual studies towards masters or engineering schools.

  • Sciences and Humanities

    The Science and Humanity Bachelor's degree: a unique transdisciplinary course.

    Tomorrow's major challenges will be at the crossroads of technical, environmental and ethical issues.

    The answers to these questions cannot be provided only by specialists in specific fields.

    Thus, the S&H degree will train students in a transdisciplinary manner to practice "complex thinking".

  • CMI (Cursus Master Ingénierie)

    Each CMI enables students to acquire the culture necessary for engineering professions, in particular through additional teaching and practical activities (internships, projects, etc.).

    The teaching provided in the CMIs offers an innovative active pedagogy based on project and problem-based teaching, making these courses much more dynamic.

    The CMIs lead to the award of a national label Cursus master en ingénierie.

    Students are selected on the basis of applications provided on the Parcoursup application and an individual interview to assess motivation and professional project that will allow the student to provide an increased amount of work during the course. Applications will be accepted after examination of the file and an individual interview.

    Aix-Marseille University currently offers four CMIs in four areas of training.

  • CUPGE (University Preparatory Class for the Grandes Ecoles)

    To give students the necessary training to enter an agronomy school (ENSA or ENITA) or a veterinary school (ENV) through the B competition. This preparatory cycle lasts 3 years and starts from the first university year. This course includes specific teaching units for each test of the competitive examination, i.e. courses in mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, French, English and preparation for the interview with the jury.

  • Double Licence Mathématiques-Informatique

    Une formation bi-disciplinaire exigeante et sélective pour obtenir deux diplômes en trois années : une licence de Mathématiques et une licence d’Informatique.