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Licence professionnelle Métiers de l'industrie : conception et processus de mise en forme des matériaux, Parcours : Étude et mise en oeuvre des produits composites

L’objectif général est de former des chefs de projets et/ou chefs d’atelier dans le domaine des matériaux composites qui maîtrisent les outils de la chaîne numérique pour la conception et la réalisation tout en prenant en compte les contraintes globales de production (coût, contraintes SST - Service de Santé au Travail). Les débouchés métiers s’articulent en trois volets : Bureau d’études, Production ou Laboratoire. Les 4 à 6 mois de stage viennent fournir aux étudiants une mise en situation professionnelle.

Attention : pour la rentrée 2023, la formation sera dispensée exclusivement en contrat d’apprentissage.



    • SCIENCES, Marseille Chateau-Gombert

    The laboratory linked is the Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics - LMA. Since the start of the training (September 2007), it has hosted practical work on test machines and practical work on new generation composite press and autoclave production machines. Our research/pedagogical team is recognized in the field of mechanics of composite materials and our technological platform has been extensively equipped as part of the Inovsys 2.0 project. These practices are based on a large experience of the teaching team and on innovative teaching spaces acquired in recent years such as the Fablab P2I financed during the Amidex Academy of Excellence.


    • Participate in the design and implement the production processes of composite parts and systems, as well as the associated tools, by deploying disciplinary knowledge in the resistance of materials, chemistry and the mechanics of composites coupled with a good knowledge of mechanical engineering .
    • Implement a methodological approach for the design of composite parts largely integrating the digital chain, from the analysis of the functional specifications to the production of the finished composite part.
    • Develop technical communication, oral & written, to present and defend by arguing a composite design project in French and present it in English. Ability to read technical English.
    • Coordinate the implementation of a composite parts production project in an industrial context. Design and produce composite parts in an industrial environment, taking into account the notions of manufacturability and managing the design office/workshop interface thanks to the mastery of the overall design of a part and/or a system , the development of tools as well as the choice of the process according to the material in compliance with the rules of Health and Safety at work.
    • Build a professional project to facilitate its integration into a company while being aware of societal and environmental issues.

    The student project, it constitutes 10 of the 60 credits of the training (150 hours). The 4 to 6 month internship constitutes 10 of the 60 training credits. The whole internship plus project (2/3 of the training) are at the heart of the training: there are continuities between internships of the previous year and projects of the current year with industry/university partnerships.



    • 225P Plasturgie, matériaux composites (organisation, gestion) (fr)
    • 225R Plasturgie, matériaux composites (contrôle, prévention, entretien) (fr)
    • 225S mise en oeuvre des plastiques et des matériaux composites (fr)

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