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Pedagogical Enrollment Procedures (CTES)

The pedagogical registration (PI) is mandatory and complementary to the administrative registration (AI). It requires additional registration fees to those of the administrative registration. It allows you to define your pedagogical choice by determining, for each course, the teaching units (UE) followed during a semester. It determines the end-of-semester exams.

1- Read the instructions before registering online: DIL user manual

For information:

  • The DIL registration platform will only be accessible once your administrative registration has been validated and paid for
  • The platform will be open at the end of June / beginning of July (summer closure from July 25 to August 19, 2022)
  • You must choose at least one semester (30 ECTS).

    It is strongly advised, each year, to register pedagogically only for the UE corresponding to one semester (at least 30 ECTS). In case of doubt about the possibility of simultaneously following all the UE of a year, ask the advice of the person(s) in charge of the year

The pedagogical registration (PI) is mandatory and complementary to the administrative registration (AI). It requires additional registration fees to those of the administrative registration. It allows you to define your pedagogical choice by determining, for each course, the teaching units (UE) followed during a semester. It determines the end-of-semester exams.

1- Read the instructions before registering online: DIL user manual

For information:

  • The DIL registration platform will only be accessible once your administrative registration has been validated and paid for
  • The platform will be open at the end of June / beginning of July (summer closure from July 25 to August 19, 2022)
  • You must choose at least one semester (30 ECTS).

    It is strongly advised, each year, to register pedagogically only for the UE corresponding to one semester (at least 30 ECTS). In case of doubt about the possibility of simultaneously following all the UE of a year, ask the advice of the person(s) in charge of the year

2- Proceed with your online pedagogical registration: https: //

In case of technical problems, we invite you to create a remote application (heading "ENT/AMETICE connection problem (CTES only)")

For repeat students whose status has been declared by the jury, AJAC (postponed student who has acquired at least 48 credits) or AJRE (postponed student who has acquired at least 30 credits): please contact your academic supervisor in order to draw up a compulsory educational contract and send it to the manager of the course on which you depend, without which it will not be possible to register you and give you access to courses.

Once the courses are available via AMETICE (mid-October), it will no longer be possible to request changes or refunds of course fees