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DREAM-U project

The DREAM-U project (Draw your paRcourse to success at Aix-Marseille University) is part of the Future Investment Program (France 2030) within the action "New Cursus at the University" NCU) funded by theNational Research Agency (ANR). AMU is the 2018 winner of the second wave of NCU among the 36 funded projects.

Based on the observation that success in undergraduate studies at Aix-Marseille University is lower than at the national level - 34% Vs 41% in 2017 (source: DGSIP) - the DREAM-U project aims to improve student success by improving their autonomy. Through its 4 missions, an operational team, integrated in the components and services, works in collaboration with teachers and administrative staff to implement the project.

In the DREAM-U philosophy, the courses are adapted and individualized according to the project and the student's profile. Students interested in the project have been invited to follow the DTI-SRI model.

Find all the information on the Dream-U project on the website of the University of Aix-Marseille

The DTI pathway (Disciplinary, Transversal and Integrative)

  • Disciplinary teaching: fundamental reference knowledge; knowledge and skills base specific to the discipline in which the course is offered
  • Cross-disciplinary courses: knowledge and skills related to the basic disciplinary training, potentially transferable between courses (methodology, digital technology, critical thinking, collective commitment, communication in French, foreign language).
  • Integrative courses: the possibility of deepening one's training:

- Strengthening of disciplines or opening up to other disciplines: possibility of reorientation

- Thematic opening in relation to the major issues of research and contemporary society: giving meaning to the subject

- Sensitization to professions with a view to professional expertise: towards a Professional License or professional integration

The SRI rhythm (Support, Regular and Intensive)

It is a personalization of the rhythm in three different courses. The knowledge and skills are adjusted according to the rhythm chosen by the student.

The Faculty of Science offers general licenses whose objective is to encourage the pursuit of studies towards a master's degree, but also to enhance the skills and knowledge acquired in the license through professionalizing courses of the "professions of" type.

These programs are complementary to the professional licenses offered by the component.

Find all the licenses of the Faculty of Sciences

The Faculty of Science has adapted the first year of the Bachelor's degree in order to encourage student success through the "yes if" parcoursup system.

This adaptation takes the form either of a refresher course (AMNS) or of a two-year spread of the first year (L1 in 2 years), the proposal is made by the teachers in charge according to the high school specialties of the new baccalaureate students, in both cases with a one-year extension of the license diploma.

Implementation in the Faculty of Science:

Master's Degree in Engineering (CMI)

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science (MPCI) degree

Reinforced course from L1 to L3


Coordinatrice pédagogique DREAM-U
Coordinatrice pédagogique DREAM-U