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Apprenticeship & Further Education


All the courses at the UFR Sciences can be taken as part of continuing education: Bachelor's Degree, Professional Bachelor's degree, Master's degree

If you wish to resume your studies, validate your professional experience (VAP) or your experience (VAE), you must contact our site managers who are your contacts depending on the location of the chosen training course.

Continuing education trainees benefit from personalised support throughout the course and can register free of charge for support modules (ask the managers for information).

Conditions générales de vente Certificat Qualiopi


Financial aid

Financial aid is also available depending on your situation to finance your training project:

  • AIF (Aide Individuelle à la Formation). Contact Pôle Emploi for more information
  • CPF (Personal Training Account). Contact Pôle Emploi or your employer for more information
  • Partial exemption: contact the continuing education managers for more information
  • Assistance from the Regional Council for an eligible public: click here to find out the criteria

Before completing any downloadable document, please contact your continuing education manager.

Financial aid

Financial aid is also available depending on your situation to finance your training project:

  • AIF (Aide Individuelle à la Formation). Contact Pôle Emploi for more information
  • CPF (Personal Training Account). Contact Pôle Emploi or your employer for more information
  • Partial exemption: contact the continuing education managers for more information
  • Assistance from the Regional Council for an eligible public: click here to find out the criteria

Before completing any downloadable document, please contact your continuing education manager.

Taux de réussite des stagiaires de la formation professionnelle 22/23

Financial aid

Financial aid is also available depending on your situation to finance your training project:

  • AIF (Aide Individuelle à la Formation). Contact Pôle Emploi for more information
  • CPF (Personal Training Account). Contact Pôle Emploi or your employer for more information
  • Partial exemption: contact the continuing education managers for more information
  • Assistance from the Regional Council for an eligible public: click here to find out the criteria

Before completing any downloadable document, please contact your continuing education manager.

Contacts by campus

The site offices are your direct contacts depending on the location of the course