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  • The training

    The Faculty of Sciences and the Inspé prepare students for the Capes exam in Physical and Chemical Sciences.

    Training provided at Master 1 level. The various written and oral exams of the competition are worked on by means of:

    - Lectures and tutorials, offering a levelling in Physics and Chemistry, and giving essential complements to the competition.

    - Physics and Chemistry manipulative sessions which allow to appropriate the notions approached in lectures and tutorials and which cover the competition programs.

    - ASP and MSP sessions to prepare for the oral exams.

    The official program of the Capes competition is published each year in the B.O. of the French National Education.

    The test program is made up of the physics and chemistry programs of the middle school, high school (general and technological tracks) and post-baccalaureate education (sections of higher technicians and preparatory classes for the grandes écoles). The concepts dealt with in these programs must be able to be tackled at the M1 level of the Master's cycle.

    Do you want to become a certified teacher?

  • Registration for training

    Currently a student in licence 3 or holder of a licence or an equivalent diploma or higher, you can apply on the following link, until 16/06/2020, Application/Registration.

    Registration for the competition itself is essential and independent of registration at the University. It must be done in October on the Ministry's website.

  • Documents and Timetable 2020/2021

    For all the documents of the preparation, you will find them on the page "Ametice".

    The timetable is available online on your ENT AMU account, in e-bureau, mon emploi du temps (ADE).

  • Collection and Assembly


Saint Jerome Campus

Bat Alfred PEROT

Av Esc Normandie Niemen

13013 Marseille


Co-leader Master MEEF SPC




Yves FERRO :