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Master Physics, Europhotonics track

The objective of the Europhotonics track is to give students the ability to develop their expertise in the fields of optics and photonics, electromagnetism, remote sensing, image processing, telecommunications, imaging in different environments and instrumentation. Fields of application range from medical, space, defense, to industrial control...

The Europhotonics track is part of the international Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Europhotonics program.

All the courses are taught in English. Therefore a B2 level in English is required before admission.

To apply:

  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (mandatory mobility, multi-degree) - Mid-November to Early February - EMJMD application
  • Europhotonics course (mobility recommended, single degree) - AMU Application

The TIGER Excellence Scholarships (2023-2025) are accessible only through the Erasmus Mundus application portal.


  • AIMS

    The M1 of this pathway is an introduction to the fields of photonics and focuses on fundamentals such as lectromagnetism, physical optics, opto-eacutelectronics.

    The M2 is based on the foundations of the M1 of the Europhotonics course, but can also be approached by students coming from a M1 of Europhotonics;The M2 deals with the study of the physics of the environment and the development of new technologies. The M2 covers quantum optics, laser sources and their applications, biophotonics, nanophotonics, optical instrumentation, astronomy and digital methods for modelling the physical phenomena addressed. In the first semester of M2, 7 weeks of learning are carried out in the laboratories associated with the course (1 week per month from October to March).

    The laboratory apprenticeship, the M2 internship of 4-6 months in the laboratory or in industry provide a significant exposure and a first professional experience.

    The objective of the Europhotonics course is to give students the ability to develop an activity in the sectors related to optics and photonics, and to develop their own business;lectromagnetism, telecommunication, image processing, communications, imaging in different environments and instrumentation. The main application areas are in medical, space, defence, industrial control and other fields.



    • For the M1, students should have a L3 level, rather in the field of physics, EEA or sciences for the engineer.
    • For the M2, a solid foundation in physics and photonics is expected. The majority of students come from M1 Physics (in particular the Europhotonics course), from an M1 General Physics or from the 3rd year of engineering school.

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    The POESII-Europhotonics programme is supported by four research laboratories at AMU and several others at our German and Spanish partners. The teaching is carried out by teachers and researchers from these laboratories. The links between training and research are thus facilitated. However, a particular effort is made to ensure that our students can join the business world at the end of their training. For this, in addition to the content of the courses which do not omit industrial aspects, internships and projects in industry are encouraged. In the first semester of M2, 7 weeks of apprenticeship are carried out in the adjoining laboratories (1 week per month).


    Design, model and implement optical, photonic and opto-electronic systems and components to control light;The project aims to develop and implement optical, photonic and opto-electronic systems and components to control light in its interaction with matter in the fields of data transmission, metrology, nanotechnology, biophotonics, lasers, astronomy, imaging.


    The end of year internship in M1 has a compulsory duration of 7 weeks but can be extended to 16 weeks. In M2, the internship lasts for 16 weeks in semester 2. These internships can be carried out in a laboratory or in a company. In the first semester of M1, a 60-hour project allows students to work in laboratories once a week in pairs. In M2, 7 weeks of learning are carried out in the laboratory during the first semester.


    The teaching is structured in UE (some UE are optional), each UE is evaluated by an exam. Several teachers can intervene in a UE. A person in charge is appointed for each UE. The end-of-year internships, in addition to the mark given by the tutor, are assessed by the examination of an internship report and by the assessment of an oral defense.

    The internships are also assessed by the examination of an oral defense.


    Two semesters are carried out in Aix-Marseille, with at least a third in our German (KIT - Karlsruhe) or Spanish (Barcelona) partners.



    • 115B Méthodes et modèles en sciences physiques ; Méthodes de mesures physiques (fr)
    • 115F Physique appliquée aux processus industriels ; Physique des matériaux ; Mesures physiques appliquées au contrôle industriel ; Sciences physiques pour l'ingénieur (fr)

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