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Dates of trade fairs and open days


Trade show dates

  • 18/11/23: Salon de l'étudiant - Aix
  • 02/12/23: Studyrama - Marseille
  • 19 and 20/01/24: Student Fair - Marseille
  • 01/20/24: Studyrama - Aix
  • 02/17/2024: Salon des masters Sciences et Environnement
  • 03/15 and 16/24: Salon de l'alternance - Marseille

Open Days

Aix-Marseille Université's Faculty of Science opens its doors to future students on all its campuses for Open Days on Saturday, February 10, 2024 on the Marseille and Aubagne campuses, and on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 on the Aix-en-Provence Montperrin campus!

On the program: general presentation of the range of courses on offer, students welcoming high school students, discussions with teachers, "student services" stands, campus visits...

Find all the information and the detailed program of the Open Days here