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Master Réseaux et télécommunication, Parcours : Internet of Things (IOT)

Le parcours Internet of Things (IoT), co-accrédité avec l'École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Gardanne, permet d'acquérir des compétences de haut niveau dans le domaine des objets connectés. Le Développement Embarqué, la Sécurité Matérielle et Logicielle Embarquée, les Frameworks IoT et Cloud, le M2M, la Qualité de Service sont au cœur de la formation. Enfin, les programmes ont été conçus afin de donner également aux étudiants les notions de télécommunications de base qu'un cadre de ce domaine doit maîtriser.



    Information non disponible

    The cursus is essentially based on two areas : computer science and physics applied to the Internet of Things. As the job market expands, students will integrate R&D in industry and academic research as well.


    • Internet of Things Cursus : Design, implement and manage smart and secure networks of connected objects by offering green energy saving solutions and sensors suitable for different environments : civil, military, hostile.
    • Use and implement the concepts of data transmission, databases, cybersecurity, monitoring and administration of local or wide area networks, communication protocols in telecommunications and network domains.
    • Design optimal technical solutions fitting to the needs and compatible with the existing digital networks and telephony infrastructure by integrating the concepts of scalability and energy saving.
    • Present, argue and transmit technical information, either by writing technical and financial proposals, summary and activity reports or technical documentation, or in front of an audience, using especially the modern means of videocommunications.
    • Develop and implement individual and collective projects to propose network architecture, telephony or sensor solutions, to plan and coordinate the interventions of teams and subcontractors involved, by monitoring the project up to at the recipe phase.
    • Offer operational, innovative and upgradeable digital solutions to companies through the implementation of disciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge and by relying on a digital tool specific to the management of IT projects.
    • Develop an own professional project corresponding to skills and motivations favouring their integration in professional organizations.



    Master's integration is subject to an eligibility stage consisting of an examination of the student's scores from end of high-school to bachelor. Final admission is done via (skype) interview.

    Application for :

    • Master 1 : You must have a bachelor in computer science, sciences and physics for engineers, networks and telecommunications, mathematics, EEA, physics, physics and chemistry. Other license courses may allow integration on dispensation.
    • Master 2 : You must hold a first year of Master in Networks and Telecommunications or Computer Science.

    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation
    • Alertnating Learning formation
    • Technical Learning formation
    • Contract Learning formation

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