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Master Mécanique, Parcours : Aéronautique et transport (AT)

Le parcours Aéronautique et Transport a pour objectif de donner des bases solides à des étudiants désireux de travailler dans les secteurs de l’aéronautique ou du transport terrestre et maritime.


  • AIMS

    The Aéronautics and Transport course aims to provide a solid foundation for students wishing to work in the aéronautics or land and sea transport sectors. The course is complemented by advanced courses on the most recent research results in these areas: turbulence, flow control, turbulent combustion, digital methods.

    This course offers a very broad spectrum of jobs, ranging from R&D engineer in research departments (large groups, ETIs and SMEs in the sector) to academic research in public organisations. It allows the choice of a direct insertion on the labour market or the continuation of the training by a doctorate thesis (public financing, CIFRE contract).


    Fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, vector and tensor calculus, functions of several variables, ODE, PDE.


    Continuum mechanics, numerical methods (EDO solution, integration, differentiation), linear algebra, mechanics of rigid solids.


    The course is backed by the research laboratories of the Fabri de Peiresc research federation, which forms a world-class centre of excellence in the field of mechanics with applications in aeronautics and maritime and land transport, with numerous industrial partnerships.


    • Analyze, understand and model a mechanical system, and predict its evolution through the application of multidisciplinary knowledge and methods;The course is designed for students who wish to learn about the fundamental methods of fluid and solid mechanics, applied mathematics, numerical calculation and physics.
    • Elaborate the study strategy of a mechanical system in its environment, extract its relevant spatio-temporal characteristics, develop a strategy for the study of the system, and develop a strategy for the study of the system;To develop a theoretical, numerical or experimental study strategy, and to interpret and exploit the results.
    • Communicate fluently in French, both written and spoken, adapting to the audience, through structured, relevant and critical argumentation.
    • The student will be able to
    • Conduct engineering projects in the various fields of mechanics, independently or within teams that they will have to integrate, accompany or lead.
    • Respond to the needs and solve technical problems of the professional world, by applying and adapting fundamental disciplinary knowledge.

    The teaching is given in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work (experimental and digital simulation).



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