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Master Mécanique, Parcours : Sciences du feu et ingénierie de la sécurité incendie (ISI)

Le parcours « Feux & Ingénierie de la Sécurité Incendie » vise à former des cadres spécialistes des techniques de mesures, de la conduite d’essais, des fondements théoriques et de la simulation numérique dans les domaines de l’ingénierie du feu et de la sécurité incendie.


  • AIMS


    The « Feux & Ingénierie de la Sécurité Incendie » course aims à to train managers who are specialists in measurement techniques, the conduct of'tests, theoretical foundations and digital simulation in the fields of fire engineering and fire safety. It also aims to make students aware of the operational aspects (regulations, prevention, means of fighting, evacuation and post-fire expertise) associated with fire safety engineering. The course is based on academic teaching based on core disciplines (structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, combustion, heat transfer, numerical simulation and experimental techniques) and on teaching provided by professionals for the business aspects.

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    This course has been designed to meet the needs of students in the field of fire safety.

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    This course has been discussed and worked on as part of a national project aimed at setting up the ISI (Ingénierie de la Sécurit&e; Incendie). As a result, it enjoys very high visibility, meets the expectations and demands of professionals involved in the ISI field and offers students many opportunities for rapid integration into working life. The academic coloration of this course also allows students to pursue a doctoral thesis.

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    Fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer, solution of ODEs (analytical and numerical), functions of several variables.


    Continuum mechanics, strength of materials, numerical methods for the solution of PDEs, notions on turbulence in fluid flows.


    The course is backed by the research laboratories of the Fabri de Peiresc research federation, which forms a world-class centre of excellence in the field of mechanics with applications in fire engineering and fire science at the Château Gombert technology park.


    • Analyse, understand and model a mechanical system, and predict its evolution by applying multidisciplinary knowledge and methods;The course is based on the application of multidisciplinary knowledge and fundamental methods in fluid mechanics and solid mechanics, applied mathematics, numerical calculation and physics.

    develop a theoretical, numerical or experimental study strategy, then interpret and exploit the results.

    • Communicate fluently in Frenchçais à lécrit et à l'oral en adaptant au public, par une argumentation structurée, pertinente et critique.
    • Successfully carry out engineering projects in the various fields of mechanical engineering, independently or as part of teams that they will have to involve, support or lead.
    • Respond to the needs and solve the technical problems of the professional world, by applying and adapting fundamental disciplinary knowledge.
    • Develop a project that facilitates integration within a professional organisation and an ethos that encourages responsibility.

    In addition to traditional teaching (lectures, tutorials and practical work), numerous individual or group tutored projects are offered to students.



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