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Licence Sciences de la vie, Parcours : Neurosciences

Après une première année dans le portail scientifique Louis Pasteur, les deux dernières années de la licence Sciences de la vie parcours Neurosciences assure de solides connaissances théoriques et pratiques en neurosciences. Il s'organise autour d'enseignements disciplinaires complémentaires issus de la biologie cellulaire et moléculaire, de la physiologie et des sciences du comportement. Il donne une place importante aux outils statistiques et à la modélisation ainsi qu'aux enseignements pratiques afin que l’étudiant soit confronté précocement à la démarche expérimentale, aux bonnes pratiques de laboratoire et à l'analyse des données.


  • AIMS

    After a first year in the Louis Pasteur scientific portal, the last two years of the Life Sciences degree in Neurosciences provide solid theoretical and practical knowledge in neurosciences. It is organized around complementary disciplinary lessons from cellular and molecular biology, physiology and behavioral sciences. It gives an important place to statistical tools and modeling as well as practical lessons so that the student is confronted early on with the experimental approach, good laboratory practices and data analysis.

    The confrontation with the different fields of neurosciences from the molecular and cellular levels to the integrated and cognitive levels provides students with an interdisciplinary training that allows them to understand the functioning of the nervous system by integrating the different levels of organization. This interdisciplinarity constitutes the strength and the originality and strength of this course.


    The Neurosciences course prepares students for further study in the “Neurosciences” and “Cognitive Sciences” masters at AMU or other universities. Reinforcement teaching units also allow students to consider opportunities for the “Integrative Biology and Physiology” or “Interventions and Social Development” or even “Bioinformatics” masters.


    Explain and describe the molecular and cellular mechanisms related to the functions of the nervous system
    Explain the involvement of the nervous system in physiological and endocrine regulations
    Identify and describe the neural mechanisms and processes involved in sensory-motor activities
    Identify and describe the role of the nervous system in behaviors and cognitive functions
    Explain the theoretical bases of the main experimental techniques used in Neuroscience and know the limits of each of them
    Develop and use an experimental approach (biological or numerical) to solve a problem specific to Neuroscience.
    Use the knowledge acquired in Neurosciences in the context of concrete problems related to societal issues
    Acquire and mobilize knowledge from related disciplines in order to be able to implement it within the framework of neuroscience.


    A tutored research project is set up throughout semester 6. During this, the student will implement his theoretical and practical scientific knowledge and develop his teamwork and communication skills. This tutored project will be done in conjunction with a laboratory.


    The teaching put in place combines a classic approach in the form of lessons, tutorials and practical work with innovative teaching practices allowing the student to become an actor in the acquisition of his knowledge and skills.



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