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Master Cinéma et Audiovisuel, Parcours : Métiers de la musique pour l'image

L’objectif fondamental de ce parcours est de favoriser l’insertion professionnelle des étudiants mais également de leur permettre ensuite de progresser et de s’adapter tout au long de leur vie professionnelle.



  • AIMS

    The absolutely fundamental objective is to promote the professional integration of students but also to enable them to progress and adapt throughout their professional life.

    In addition to the development of the student's artistic skills, these objectives are achieved through a system of training and education.

    In addition to the development of the student's artistic qualities, these objectives are achieved through a system that combines the acquisition of fundamental theoretical skills, a good knowledge of technologies, the acquisition of practical know-how, i.e. a good knowledge of the methods and techniques used in the field;-The student must be able to build up his or her own professional network and, very importantly, to acquire the necessary knowledge to adopt the right professional attitude.

    From a practical point of view, the objective is to conceive aesthetically and technically the music of a film, to implement it (musical writing, layout, score editing, sound recording, mixing) and to ensure its finalization by taking into account artistic intentions and economic and technical constraints.



    • The recruitment in master is done on file, QCM and interview.
    • Required level for entry into M1: Licence, 180 ECTS and 4 weeks of internship in the sector.
    • Required level for entry into M2 : M1 Cinéma and Audiovisual, 240 ECTS and 8 weeks internship in the sector.
    • French level required for foreign students: C1
    • Préregistration until April. Contact :

    Candidates wishing to enter Master 1 must have a professional project (supported by a first professional experience of at least one month in the audiovisual field: internship agreement and activity report) and a strong motivation.


    • Have a good knowledge of the professional audiovisual environment and a good film culture. A good knowledge of computers for image and sound.
    • driving licence

    The process of the professional dissertation is carried out over the 2 years of the master's degree. The aim is to analyse and think about one's practice through an articulation between the teaching received, professional and personal practice, internships and the professional project. Interviews with professionals are compulsory to feed the problematic of the thesis. The aim is to train specialists in the fields of sound and image who also have a thorough knowledge of theory and the analysis of their own practice in order to promote their professional integration.

    In addition, a course in the field of sound and image will be offered to students who have already completed their studies.

    In addition, teaching in the practice of non-directive interviewing is provided, as well as a research seminar with the research community of the PRISM laboratory. Students can also choose to do their internship in the PRISM laboratory.

    The PRISM laboratory is the most important research centre in Europe.


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation

    Assimilate the aesthetic options (History of film music, Study of styles, Analysis of works)
    Develop the ability to analyze dramaturgical approaches (links between image and musical texture, paradoxes of dramaturgical deepening, temporalization methods, film music as a scenaristic element)
    Develop the ability to imagine, construct and formalize a discourse (development of the inner ear, practice of musical composition for the image, formalization of musical intentions for the screenplay)
    Assimilate the techniques of construction of a composition, its developments and the role of treatments applied to the instruments (instrumentation and orchestration, arrangement of contemporary music)
    Apply knowledge of science and technology (organology, studio environment, electroacoustic music, MIDI programming, digital audio effects and sound synthesis, algorithmic approach to composition)
    Assimilate non-linear composition techniques (digital interactive media and video games)


    During the two years of the Masters course, the student will hold various positions in the sound team, during the production of numerous projects in a professional configuration. In M1 : 5 short fiction films of 3 minutes, shot on Super 16mm film ;

    5 documentaries of 12 minutes; 1 multicamera recording as part of the Festival International du Film Music Cinema Marseille . In M2 : 2 short fiction films of fifteen minutes, shot in HD and mixed in multichannel  1 ciné-concert (short film and musical composition of fifteen minutes ; 1 documentary of 26 minutes shot in HD.

    See on Vimeo ( the different projects.

    Supervised by professionals, each student will progress to the various positions made possible by their specialism.

    Internships (6 months minimum) complete this apprenticeship through gradual professional integration.


    The training does not necessarily require a frontal mode of learning, as the learning is largely technical and concerns the handling of production tools (cameras, recorders, workstations, diary applications, cameras, etc.);The learning is done in a team and is supported by a collective organisation and project management.


    The courses are given in Aubagne (13400) and Marseille Saint-Charles.



    • 133F Musique application à une technologie (fr)
    • 323M Techniques de l'image et du son, métiers connexes du spectacle (plurifonctionnelle ou non indiquée) (fr)
    • 323T Réalisation du service (montage, éclairage, prise de vue et prise de son) (fr)

    Information non disponible




    • The recruitment in master is done on file, QCM and interview.
    • Required level for entry into M1: Licence, 180 ECTS and 4 weeks of internship in the sector.
    • Required level for entry into M2 : M1 Cinéma and Audiovisual, 240 ECTS and 8 weeks internship in the sector.
    • French level required for foreign students: C1
    • Préregistration until April. Contact :

    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation

Responsables du parcours