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Master Cinéma et Audiovisuel, Parcours : Ingénierie de l'image et de la prise de vue

Le Master Cinéma et Audiovisuel, parcours ingénierie de la prise de vue, supports argentiques et numériques forme des techniciens(es) et collaborateurs(trices) de création de haut niveau dans le domaine de la prise de vues. Il intègre l’apprentissage de procédures de tournage et de post-production de l’image, la maîtrise d’outils technologiques de pointe et l’acquisition de compétences théoriques fondamentales.



  • AIMS

    The Master's in Cinematography and Audiovisual, film and digital engineering course trains high-level technicians and creative collaborators in the field of filming. It incorporates the learning of image shooting and post-production procedures, the mastery of cutting-edge technological tools and the acquisition of fundamental theoretical skills.

    The course is designed for students who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of photography.

    At the end of the course, the student will be able to design both aesthetically and technically the image of a film (lighting and framing), to set it up and to produce it;The course is designed to enable students to learn how to create a film image (lighting and framing), to set it in motion and to complete it, taking into account the artistic intentions of the director and the economic and technical constraints of the production. Learning to work as part of a team is at the heart of the programme, since the course is based on numerous collective productions in which the student plays a key role;Students work as cameramen, directors of photography, assistant cameramen, editors, grips and grip operators. They learn to adopt the right professional attitude. Internships, the mémoire, and professional speakers are tools that help, moreover, à professional integration of the student'étudi(e).


    • The recruitment in master is done on file, QCM and interview.
    • Required level for entry into M1: Licence, 180 ECTS and 4 weeks of internship in the sector.
    • Required level for entry into M2 : M1 Cinéma and Audiovisual, 240 ECTS and 8 weeks internship in the sector.
    • French level required for foreign students: C1

    Candidates wishing to enter the master's programme must have a clear professional project (supported by a first professional experience of at least one month in the audiovisual field: internship agreement and activity report) and a strong motivation.


    • Have a good knowledge of the professional audiovisual environment and a good film culture. A good knowledge of computers for image and sound.
    • Driving licence

    The process of the professional dissertation is carried out over the 2 years of the master's degree. The aim is to analyse and reflect on one's practice through an articulation between the teaching received, professional and personal practice, internships and the professional project. Interviews with professionals are compulsory to feed the problematic of the thesis. The aim is to train specialists in the field of image who also have a thorough knowledge of theory and analysis of their own practice in order to promote their professional integration.

    In addition, a research seminar is organised with the research community of the PRISM laboratory. Students can also choose to do their internship within the PRISM laboratory.


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation

    • Theoretical knowledge acquired relates to scientific disciplines (optics, signal processing, photomics, audio/video technologies, digital compression;rique) and artistic disciplines (History and theory of documentary filmmaking, film analysis, History and theory of experimental filmmaking, Image-Sound Interactions, screenplay adaptation). Other disciplines related to the professional environment are also involved: social and labour law (in particular the status of intermittent workers in the entertainment industry, authors' benefits, etc.). A teaching on production methodologies is also provided.
    • This theoretical knowledge is systematically applied during practical work and productions where the student acquires the procedures, the know-how and the know-how necessary for the exercise of the professions of shooting. He (she) thus learns to master high-tech equipment while developing his creativity and artistic sense, and learns to work in a team, in particular by supporting the artistic project of a director.

    During the two years of the Master's programme, the student occupies various positions in the image team during the production of numerous projects in a professional configuration. In M1: 5 short fiction films of 3 minutes, shot on Super 16mm film; 4 scientific documentaries of 13 minutes and 1 interactive project; an experimental film (by pair) on free media and treatments of 3 minutes; 1 multicamera capture for the Aubagne International Film Festival. In M2 : 2 short fiction films of fifteen minutes, shot in HD and mixed in multichannel  1 cinematic concert (short film and musical composition of fifteen minutes  1 documentary of approximately 26 minutes shot in HD.

    See Vimeo

    See on Vimeo (link: the different projects.

    Supervised by professionals, each student will work on the different positions that their speciality allows.

    Internships (6 months minimum) finalise this apprenticeship through a progressive professional integration.


    The training does not necessarily require a frontal mode of learning, as the learning is largely technical and concerns the handling of production tools (cameras, recorders, workstations, diary applications, cameras, etc.);The learning is done in a team and is supported by a collective organisation and project management.


    The courses are given in Aubagne (13400) and Marseille Saint-Charles.



    • 323N Techniques de l'image et du son, métiers connexes du spectacle (conception) (fr)
    • 323S Techniques de l'image et du son, métiers connexes du spectacle (production) (fr)
    • 323T Réalisation du service (montage, éclairage, prise de vue et prise de son) (fr)

    Information non disponible


    The choice of specialism and, more broadly, the professional project are confirmed throughout the two years of the Master's programme by the combination of lessons, the professional dissertation and work placements. Each year, students are encouraged to analyse the development of their professional or research project, and to assess their orientation in an oral presentation.


    The Département's internship office centralises internship offers, checks the quality of demand and establishes regular contact with students and companies. Students are supported in their search for work placements (subscription to a professional directory, database of companies in the sector, drafting of cover letters and CVs). The alumni association (SatisAlumni) also helps circulate internship offers and job vacancies.



    • The recruitment in master is done on file, QCM and interview.
    • Required level for entry into M1: Licence, 180 ECTS and 4 weeks of internship in the sector.
    • Required level for entry into M2 : M1 Cinéma and Audiovisual, 240 ECTS and 8 weeks internship in the sector.
    • French level required for foreign students: C1

    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation

Responsables du parcours