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Licence Sciences et technologies, Parcours Sciences, arts et techniques de l'image et du son (SATIS)

La Licence Sciences et Technologies parcours SATIS propose un enseignement équilibré entre théorie et applications professionnelles dans le domaine de l’audiovisuel. Elle développe en parallèle connaissances culturelles, sens artistique, capacité d'adaptation et sens du travail en équipe et s’appuie sur une pédagogie par projet.


  • AIMS

    The "Sciences and Technologies - SATIS (Sciences, Arts and Technologies of Image and Sound)" degree starts in the 3rd year and offers balanced teaching between theory and professional applications in the audiovisual field. At the same time, it develops cultural knowledge, an artistic sense, adaptability and a sense of teamwork, and is based on a project-based teaching approach.

      • Students participate in the professional activities of a broad audiovisual field, in the areas of production, directing and audiovisual techniques.
      • They will acquire skills in the scientific, artistic, technical and organisational fields in the audiovisual field.
      • At the same time, they develop their knowledge, ability to adapt and sense of teamwork, in particular through practical work and work placements in companies.

    The course is designed for students who wish to train in film and audiovisual techniques through a professionalising pathway that is both theoretical and practical, combining art, science, techniques and technologies.


    The prerequisites for the "Sciences and technologies - SATIS" degree course are those of the baccalaureate with mainly scientific specialisms. Holders of this baccalaureate must also have completed a course of study validated by a state-recognised BAC +2 (BTS, Licence 2, DUT, etc.) in the film and audiovisual field.


    Art options at high school (cinema, music, visual arts...) are strongly recommended.

    In addition, it is recommended that candidates develop an artistic practice (cinema, photography, music, etc.) in parallel with their higher education studies.


    The "Sciences and Technologies" bachelor's degree is delivered by the SATIS department (Aubagne Campus), which also offers a two-year Master's degree in "Cinematography and Audiovisual" with 5 specialised courses:

    - Image and shooting engineering

    - Editing and post-production engineering

    - Sound for image engineering

    - Music and sound composition for image

    - Production and realisation


    • SCIENCES, Aubagne

    The teacher-researchers in the Licence degree carry out their research activities within the PRISM laboratory (Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music), an interdisciplinary laboratory, under the supervision of the CNRS, Aix-Marseille University eand the French Ministry of Culture, which brings together researchers, teacher-researchers and artists specialising in the fields of image, sound and music. PRISM fosters interdisciplinarity around issues of perception, representations and their uses. 

    The laboratory is particularly involved in research relating to art and new technologies and is a real place of experimentation for students, teachers and researchers alike.


    At the end of the course, students will be familiar with the entire film and video production chain, from conception to broadcast. He or she is able to write, direct and post-produce a short fiction and/or documentary audiovisual production.

    • He/she will possess the scientific and technical foundations required for mastering the tools (wave physics, signal theory and processing, optics and geometry needed for the production of audiovisual works, audio and video technologies, hardwares and softwares)
    • He/she demonstrates a good understanding of the characteristics of sound and iconic languages through a reading of the history of cinema, music, editing and its analysis.
    • He/she knows the theoretical bases of dramaturgy and the rules of writing for the screen and can express him/herself with images and sound.
    • He/she possesses legal knowledge (copyright/image rights) to establish the necessary authorisations for broadcasting a production.

    • Possess the scientific bases needed to understand the tools used in cinematography and audiovisual media
    • Possess the technical and technological basics of the tools used in cinematography and audiovisual (to, for example, know how to read a technical manual for equipment, or propose a workflow)
    • Create audiovisual projects by articulating thematic knowledge and transdisciplinary know-how.
    • Develop audiovisual projects using a rigorous methodology (observe, document, analyse, problematise).
    • Express a personal statement clearly and argumentatively in French and English, both orally and in writing.
    • Express a personal statement clearly and argumentatively in French and English, both orally and in writing.
    • Express a personal statement clearly and argumentatively in French and English.
    • Express a personal statement clearly and argumentatively in French and English.
    • Express a personal statement clearly and argumentatively in French and English.
    • Design, organise, experiment with and finalise audiovisual projects on different media, as part of a team with a wide range of skills.
    • Analyse a professional environment and transpose knowledge (methodological, technical, aesthetic, critical) to design, produce and/or participate in audiovisual projects.
    • Develop audiovisual projects that take account of the requirements of a specification and respond to the realities of the professional environment.
    • Use professional know-how in an audiovisual project (teamwork, ability to adapt and anticipate, reactivity and autonomy)

    The projects are numerous and strongly supervised by a teaching team made up of teacher-researchers, specialised technicians and professional contributors.

    The student is introduced to the practice of lighting, framing, sound, music, editing, production and film-making through the realisation of sound fictions, editing exercises, interviews, web capsules, a fiction series, and a photographic narrative.

    Internships, which are highly recommended, are available all year round, outside teaching periods. They contribute to this learning process.


    Project-based learning.



    A scientific refresher course is offered at the beginning of the year to students who feel the need.

    In addition, students (in small numbers) benefit from personalised support throughout their training course.


    The bachelor's degree offers a number of specialised teaching units consisting of practical classes, lectures and small-group tutorials, enabling students to refine their orientation in the film and audiovisual professions, and to consider a thoughtful choice with regard to the specialism that will be chosen in the Master's degree.


    The Student Personal and Professional Project Teaching Unit (PPPE) aims to structure the student's professional project. A skills assessment, combined with individual interviews, leads the student to take an active role in his or her training and to think about his or her professional project in terms of clearly identified abilities, initiated or developed during the practical courses. This strategy of searching for skills to be acquired in the context of current and future studies, internships, a gap year or a semester exchange abroad, combined with the preparation of a CV and the drafting of letters of motivation, are at the heart of the process of helping students to pursue their studies and find employment in the future.


    Responsible for schooling:

    Florence TILDACH

    Tél. : +33 (0)4 12 23 10 40

    Mail :



    There are two stages to admission:

    • eligibility is based on the academic file and an essay on an imposed subject;
    • the final admission is conditional on an oral interview and multiple-choice questions

Responsables du parcours