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Licence Informatique, Parcours : Informatique

L’objectif de ce parcours est de donner une solide formation des bases de l’informatique, équilibrée entre les aspects théoriques, fondamentaux, appliqués et techniques. Le parcours commence dès la deuxième année de la licence, à la sortie du portail René Descartes et se déroule en deux années (les années de L2 et L3). Cette formation convient à tout étudiant ayant validé sa première année et intéressé par l’informatique sous tous ses aspects (algorithmes, programmation, langages formels, architecture des ordinateurs, systèmes d'exploitation, réseaux, théorie des graphes,…).


  • AIMS

    The objective of this learning path is to give a solid training in the basics of computer science, balanced between the theoretical, fundamental, applied and technical aspects of the field. This path consists of one year shared with mathemetics, physics and mechanics followed by two years focused on computer science. This path is suitable for any student interested in computer science in all its aspects (algorithms, programming, formal languages, architecture of computers, operating systems, networks, graph theory,...).

    This learning path gives access, among others, to the computer masters but also other masters related to computer science. In particular, at Aix-Marseille University, the main possible opportunities are :


    This License is open by right to any holder of a Scientific Baccalaureate or equivalent (in particular from abroad). Students holding a BTS, a DUT in computer science or an equivalent diploma can apply to enter the second or third year (on file). It is also possible to integrate this training through the validation of prior learning.


    A sufficient level in computer science, as well as an appetite for this discipline, is recommended to succeed in this course. In order to facilitate learning in L2, it is advisable to have followed the computer science option in L1.


    • SCIENCES, Aix-en-Provence
    • SCIENCES, Marseille Luminy

    The course Informatics is organized and taught in majority by teachers-researchers of the Laboratory of Computer Science and Systems (LIS). The training offers some optional courses particularly oriented towards research in the third year.


    • Identify, articulate and implement the theoretical and technical tools of computer science best adapted to the resolution of a complex computer problem.
    • Model a problem, design technical and/or algorithmic solutions, implement them and evaluate them against criteria of efficiency, reliability and quality of design.
    • Read and use documents in French or English : documentation, scientific text and specifications. Present orally or in writing the results of a work with clarity, brevity and rigor.
    • Use the tools and techniques of IT project management : development environment, version control, production automation and methods of project management.
    • Carry out an IT project taking into account the needs of a client, being aware of the existence of non-technical issues. Be introduced to the processes of production, dissemination and exploitation of knowledge and technologies.
    • Develop your personal and professional project. Know the issues related to intellectual property, including software licensing, and the protection of privacy.
    • Skill specific to the Computer science course : Understand the operation of computer systems (networks, operating systems, architectures, programming languages and database management systems), use their dedicated tools and design interfaces.

    This course offers the possibility of carrying out an internship or a project in the third year. The internship gives rise to a written dissertation and an oral presentation. In addition, tutored projects and many mini-projects are integrated into the lessons.



    • 326M Informatique, traitement de l'information (fr)

    Disciplinary professional outlets exist at the end of the Bachelor of Computer Science, due to the growing use of computers in our society. Among the accessible professions, we find: programmer analyst, information systems developer, web designer, user and/or assistant administrator of databases, systems or networks, assistant computer engineer, or even computer trainer .

