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Licence Informatique, Parcours : Mathématiques-informatique

Ce parcours permet d'accéder à la plupart des masters d’informatique et de mathématiques, ainsi que des masters pour les métiers de l’enseignement. En particulier, à Aix-Marseille Université, l’accès au Master Informatique est accordé de droit, et les autres débouchés principaux possibles sont les Masters « Mathématiques et applications », « Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Éducation et de la Formation » (préparation au CAPES de mathématiques option informatique), « Mathématiques appliqués et statistique » ou « Traitement du signal et de l’image ».


  • AIMS

    This course gives access to most computer science and mathematics masters, as well as masters for teaching professions. In particular, at Aix-Marseille University, the main opportunities are the Master degrees degree in Computer Science, Mathematics and Applications, Trades of Education, Education and Training, Applied Mathematics and Statistics or Signal and Image Processing. The course begins in the second year, This course is suitable for any student interested in both mathematics (analysis, algebra, probabilities, logic...) and computer science (algorithms, programming, formal languages, graph theory...).


    This License is open by right to any holder of a Scientific Baccalaureate or equivalent (in particular from abroad). Students holding a BTS, a DUT in computer science or an equivalent diploma can apply to enter the 3rd year (on file). It is also possible to integrate this training through the validation of prior learning.


    A sufficient level in both mathematics and computer science, as well as an appetite for these disciplines, is recommended to succeed in this course. 


    The Mathematics-Computer Science course is organized and taught by research professors from the Computer Science and Systems Laboratory (LIS) and the Marseille Institute of Mathematics (I2M). In the third year, a project at the interface of mathematics and computer science allows students to practice research methodology in small groups. The course also offers some optional courses that are particularly research-oriented in the third year.


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation
    • Distance Learning formation

    • Identify, articulate and implement the theoretical and technical tools of computer science best adapted to the resolution of a complex computer problem.
    • Model a problem, design technical and/or algorithmic solutions, implement them and evaluate them against criteria of efficiency, reliability and quality of design.
    • Read and use documents in French or English : documentation, scientific text and specifications. Present orally or in writing the results of a work with clarity, brevity and rigor.
    • Use the tools and techniques of IT project management : development environment, version control, production automation and methods of project management.
    • Carry out an IT project taking into account the needs of a client, being aware of the existence of non-technical issues. Be introduced to the processes of production, dissemination and exploitation of knowledge and technologies.
    • Develop a personal and professional project. Know the issues related to intellectual property, including software licensing, and the protection of privacy.
    • Skill specific to the Mathematics and Computer science learning path : Treat a problem formalized by means of various mathematical tools in both continuous and discrete models (among others analysis, algebra, probabilities, statistics, logic...).

    In the third year, a project of 6 ECTS credits at the interface of mathematics and computer science allows students to practice research methodology, in small groups supervised by a teacher-researcher. It is possible to validate this project via a 6-week internship in the laboratory or in a company. Optional internships are also possible within the two LIS and I2M laboratories, for interested students. Optional UEs for professionalization in teaching, education and training professions are offered in semesters 4, 5 and 6.


    The Mathematics-Computer science course is available in distance learning via the CTES.


    • 114B Modèles mathématiques ; Informatique mathématique (fr)



    For new students wishing to enroll in the Mathematics-Computer Science course in the second or third year, a letter of motivation will be required in addition to the documents common to all applications.


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation
    • Distance Learning formation

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