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Master Information et médiation scientifique et technique, Parcours : Veille technologique et innovation (VTI)

L’objectif du parcours Veille technologique et innovation (VTI) est de former des cadres spécialisés dans le management de l’information stratégique pour l’entreprise, par des démarches de veille technologique.


  • AIMS

    The aim of the Technological Intelligence and Innovation (VTI) programme is to train managers specialising in the management of strategic information for companies, through technological intelligence contracts.

    The role of the VTI graduate is to assess, design, implement and manage technological intelligence systems adapted to the organisation in order to support and accompany innovation and the company's strategic project. It seeks to strengthen the company's competitive positions and also contributes to the company's openness to its local, regional, national, European and international environment.

    The degree in business administration is awarded by the University of London.

    The graduate of the VTI course works as a technology watch officer, scientific and technical information analyst, watch coordinator, watch department manager or patent watch officer. These positions are just as likely to be found in a specialised consultancy, in a government watch department or in a large company.


    Having a clear and definite career plan in one of the areas targeted by the master's degree is one of the necessary prerequisites.


    Information non disponible

    The VTI course is supported by IMSIC, a CIS research team, within which its Axis 1 leads

    • reflections on the development of sociotechnical devices for processing and displaying digital data (including the methods and techniques for the statistical analysis of bibliographic corpora taught to students in the VTI course)
    • analyses of the uses and uses of digital information in the workplace and in the workplace
      • analyses of the uses and uses of digital information in the workplace
        • and in the workplace
                and in the workplace
                  • analyses of ICT usage, dynamics and induced informational practices (which include monitoring practices and information development processes).

          Several areas and fields are investigated by the researchers in this axis

                • Watch, economic intelligence, knowledge organisation, text mining, information retrieval, research governance, infographic representation of data and patent information
                • The challenges of opening up data (Open Data, open access)
                • The challenges of massive data (Big Data)

    At the end of the course, the IMST-VTI master's degree will:

    • Établishes the informational diagnosis of'an organisation to identify informational needs and watch areas,
    • Collects, organises, manages and communicates useful information for decision-making based on the specific situation of each company,
    • Processes and analyses information using intellectual and assisted methods (in particular bibliometric methods).

    A group tutorial project will be carried out each year. In M1, this collaborative work will focus on the collection of IST. In M2, the project will cover all aspects of technology watch. In M2, students are required to complete a 4-6 month work placement in a public or private institution relating to technology watch.


    The VTI course is delivered via distance learning via the University's EAD platform. Pre-course groupings are organised:

    • 2 weeks in M1 : in February and late April (with M2s)
    • 3 weeks in M2 : in December, late February and late April

    These groupings can be followed by videoconferencing.



    • 325N Unknow value
    • 325T Unknow value

    Graduates of the VTI course work as technology watch officers, scientific and technical information analysts, watch coordinators or even watch department managers.

    These positions are just as likely to be found in a specialised consultancy firm, in a government watch department (local authority, EPST, CCI...) or in a large company.

    The VTI pathway includes a major component of collecting and analysing patent information. Graduates of the IMST-VTI master's degree also work as patent watch officers.



    Pedagogical secretariat :

    • Sophie Silvy, 04 13 94 51 66,, Campus St Jérôme, 52 Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niemen, 13013 Marseille

    Contact Continuing education

    • Christine Peyou, 04 13 94 44 64,, Campus St Jérôme, 52 Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niemen, 13013 Marseille



    Admission to M1 is by application and interview. The following are taken into account:

    • the academic background
    • the applicant's career plan : the covering letter will be particularly well thought out and should demonstrate the applicant's interest in the fields of intelligence and IE

    Typical courses can be access by
    • Distance Learning formation
      Formation à distance avec 3 semaines de regroupements
    • Continious formation
      Le parcours VTI du master IMST étant délivré à distance, la formation s’adapte parfaitement aux contraintes des salariés et des étudiants engagés dans la vie active.
    • Contract Learning formation
    • Initial Formation

Responsables du parcours