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Licence professionnelle Productions végétales, Parcours : Valorisation et commercialisation des ressources végétales à usage artisanal ou industriel (VaCoReVe)

La LP « Productions végétales » parcours VaCoReVe « Valorisation et commercialisation des ressources végétales à usage artisanal ou industriel » a pour objectifs de former des professionnels, techniciens en laboratoire, sur une exploitation agricole, ou pour toute entreprise industrielle traitant des ressources végétales.


  • AIMS

    The aim of the VaCoReVe (Valorisation et commercialisation des ressources végétales à usage artisanal ou industriel) LP Productions végétales course is to train professionals, technicians in laboratories, on farms, or for any industrial company dealing with plant resources.

    At the end of their training, students have acquired skills and knowledge in botany, biology, ecology and chemistry, combined with a knowledge of business and commerce.

    This training opens up to positions such as :

    • Technician or assistant in a plant resource extraction or processing laboratory,
    • Assistant supply manager in cosmetics, textile or agro-materials industries,
    • Crop manager or technical assistant on a farm specialising in these vegetable resources,
    • Advisor and technical assistant in agricultural diversification,
    • Collaborator of «équipes of « research and développement », « research, innovation and développement » or « management of innovation ».
    • Recruitment may be from chambers of agriculture, producer associations, SMEs/SMIs, or French or foreign groups developing internationally.

    Êulate graduates with 2 years' higher education, holders of BTS (biotechnology, bioanalysis and control), BTSA -Production (Agronomy : Vegetable production, Horticultural production) –Transformation (Agricultural, biological and biotechnological analyses) or DUT (Biology, Biotechnology or Chemistry) but also L2 (second year of general  Licences générales : Life and Earth Sciences, Chemistry...).


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    • Know aromatic and perfume plants, dyeing plants and other plants used in industry, their biological characteristics and their uses,
    • Master the cultivation and production techniques à these plant resources,
    • Participate in the processes of extraction, analysis, transformation of useful plant substances,
    • Identify the quality requirements, regulatory texts associated with the production, processing and marketing processes of the plant resources identified,
    • Possess a sound technical and economic approach to the professional sectors and their communication,
    • Introduce the concept of sustainable development throughout the process of developing and marketing vegetable resources.

    Transversal, interdisciplinary approaches, based on a very good knowledge of plants, their crops, their processing and marketing potential, in an industrial ecology market, enable students to develop a professional project in the field of innovative and sustainable valorisation of plant resources.

    Several strong wills are being asserted:

    • Sustainably using renewable plant resources for industrial purposes
    • Diversify sources of agricultural income
    • Develop environmentally friendly production processes

    This course includes a work placement which alternates throughout the year (16 weeks) and a tutor project carried out around May (4-5 weeks).


    A refresher course focusing on the basics of chemistry, biochemistry associated with plant resources, and phyto-ecology makes up the first teaching module.

    A second block of lessons focuses on the precise identification of plant species and their uses over time and space.

    A third block of lessons focuses on the precise identification of plant species and their uses over time and space.

    A fourth block of lessons focuses on the precise identification of plant species and their uses over time and space.

    A fourth block of lessons focuses on the precise identification of plant species and their uses over time and space.

    A second block of lessons focuses on the precise identification of plants and their uses over time and space.

    The mastery of production systems and cultivation techniques for enhancing the value of plant resources is the subject of a third block of lessons. The development/sustainable development and economic aspects of the region will also be covered in this block.

    A fourth block of lessons will be devoted to the development of the region.

    A fourth block of lessons covers knowledge of the chemical processes involved in extracting, analysing and transforming these resources.

    A fifth block of lessons concerns the quality requirements and legislation applied to substances derived from this plant biomass.

    A sixth block of teaching approaches the marketing of products through knowledge of the industries, companies, key professional bodies, their communication mechanisms as well as the markets.

    A seventh block of knowledge includes general subjects useful for full integration into the professional world. It is made up of lessons in communication, English and business knowledge.

    A practical application of what has been learnt to solve problems is organised as part of tutor projects.

    Finally, the period spent in a company (work placement or alternating apprenticeship) enables knowledge and methods to be put into practice in a professional environment.



    • Faculté des Sciences site Saint-Charles, 3 place Victor Hugo, 13003 Marseille
    • CFPPA de VAUCLUSE/EPLEFPA Louis Giraud de Carpentras, Etablissement Public Local d'Enseignement et de Formation Professionnelle Agricole, Hameau de Serres-BP 274, 84208 CARPENTRAS Cedex



    This course is aimed at graduates with 2 years' higher education, holding a BTS (biotechnology, bio-analysis and control), BTSA -Production (Agronomy : Vegetable production, Horticultural production) –Transformation (Agricultural, biological and biotechnological analyses) or DUT (Biology, Biotechnology or Chemistry) but also à L2 (secondèe year of licences générales : Life and Earth Sciences, Chemistry...).


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation
    • Alertnating Learning formation
    • Technical Learning formation
    • Contract Learning formation

Responsables du parcours