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Clone of BACK TO SCHOOL 2023-2024

Welcome to the Faculty of Science! During the month of September, the Faculty welcomes you to its different sites. Find out more here

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Back-to-school dates

The academic year begins on August 28 at the Faculty of Science. Please refer to the documents below for your start date according to your site and level:


For yes/yes AMNS and yes/yes L1en2ans, the first day of school is September 1.

For AMNS students, the start of the academic year takes place at each site concerned, with timetables and classrooms on the sites.

For 2-year L1s, all students go to the Luminy site at 9 a.m., building A, amphitheatre 6.

What's the start of the new academic year at the Faculty of Science?

The first day of the new academic year is all about discovering the campus, university services and student associations, but it's also an opportunity to meet people for the first time and wear your first goodies bearing the faculty colors!

For L1 students, we recommend that you wear comfortable shoes and recharge your phone batteries.

New for the start of the 1st year Bachelor's program

This year, exclusively for the start of the new academic year, we're organizing a photo competition on Instagram.

When you return to school, you'll be grouped into teams, so to take part all you have to do is take a photo with your team, following the theme of the most original group photo on your campus.

The winning photo and the best entries will be shared on the Faculty of Science's Instagram account (@facsciences_amu).

The competition will be open from September 4 to 6 at the sites hosting the start of the new academic year for L1 students, with 1 winning group per site.

Each member of the winning group will win an exclusive set of Faculté des Sciences goodies !

Contest rules to come