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DU Physiological Optics and Optometry Preparation for the BTS of optician

The optician is a health professional, qualified, independent, whose activity is regulated by articles L 505 and following of the Public Health Code and the relevant case law.

His mission is to design, produce, deliver and control devices intended to compensate for visual defects.

  • Field of activity of the optician

    The optician exercises his professional activity in the following fields:

    • Health : Optometric analyses
    • Technology : Realization, Control, Adaptation of equipment (glasses, contact lenses,...)
    • Communication and marketing: Supply of equipment
    • Management: Accounting, Stock, Customer files,...
  • Access to the profession

    The exercise of the profession is regulated.

    No one can practice the profession of Optician if he or she does not hold the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Opticien Lunetier.

    The national diploma

    The Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Opticien Lunetier (BTS OL) is a level III state diploma issued by the Ministry of National Education.

    It is delivered after having obtained the general average in a set of national tests.

    However, if this average is less than 10/20, the candidate can keep for 5 years the benefit of the tests for which he/she has obtained a mark equal to or higher than 10/20.

    The duration of the training cycle is 2 years.

    The BTS OL is prepared as a full-time course within the Physiological Optics Department of the Faculty of Sciences of Aix-Marseille University.

    Like secondary school teachers, university and professional teachers participate in the elaboration of the national subjects of the BTS OL, in the corrections of the national exam and in the National Jury.

    At the end of the two years of training, the students also present the University Diploma of Physiological Optics and Optometry which attests to a university training in optics of vision. This is an advantage over traditional schools.

    The preparation of the BTS OL within the Faculty of Sciences allows students to evolve in an environment where teaching and research in optics are developed at the highest level.

    The success rates for the BTS exams obtained by our school are shown in the table below. These results place the Faculty of Science among the best schools preparing for the BTS Optician-Lens Maker.

    The percentages indicated correspond to the number of students who have passed the BTS in relation to the TOTAL number of students in the 2nd year class.

    Indeed, ALL the 2nd year students are presented to the BTS by the school.

    Taux de réussite au BTS Opticien Lunetier
    Taux de réussite à l'examen du BTS Opticien Lunetier
  • Registration formalities

    The expectations of this training are based on skills in scientific disciplines acquired during the preparation of the general baccalaureate.

    These skills can be attested in particular by the results obtained in high school, in mathematics, physics, and SVT.

    For high school students in the STL and STI2D streams, applications are possible but a very good record, particularly in mathematics, is essential.

    No diploma or title leads to direct admission.

    Admissions are exclusively based on the student's file.

    For all candidates, applications are made online on the single portal

    • For candidates who already have the baccalauréat and wish to register outside the "parcoursup" portal, a specific application file is available by clicking on this link.
    • For candidates who do not have the baccalaureateat the time of application, the admission decision may be made subject to obtaining the baccalaureate.

    Admitted candidates will receive a registration file with the decision, which must be handed in or returned to the School Office.

    The start of the school year will take place on Monday 6 September 2021.

    Direct admission to the 2nd year may be requested by candidates who can prove previous studies in the field of physiological optics and optometry.

    Any further information on the registration formalities can be obtained from the :

    Physiological Optics Department

    Faculty of Sciences - Aix-Marseille University

    Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niémen

    13397 MARSEILLE CEDEX 20

    Tel: 04 13 94 58 49

  • Tuition fees

    A registration fee and possible Social Security and Mutual Insurance fees are required from each student in order to :

    • benefit from a high level of professional training,
    • attend conferences and seminars,
    • have access to specific materials,
    • have specialized teaching provided by professionals.

    For the academic year 2021-2022, the annual registration fee is 3000€ to which will be added the BU, FSDIE, Preventive Medicine, Sport fees and, depending on the student's situation, Social Security.

    These fees are required for the 1st and 2nd year.

    The payment is collected in full at the time of registration.

    The cost of materials (tool cases, school supplies) is not included in the fee.

    A personal tool case adapted to practical work is offered to students at a preferential rate.

  • Organization of the teaching


    General theoretical teaching is provided by members of the teaching staff of Aix-Marseille University.

    Professional and practical teaching is provided by professionals.


    All the theoretical courses are given in the Faculty of Science.

    Thanks to a remarkable industrial support, students benefit from modern materials from the latest technologies.

    Tutorial and practical work in Optometry, Contact Optics, Physiological Optics and Mounting are given in the specially equipped premises of the Physiological Optics Department.

    A shop is set up to teach communication in a professional situation.

    The oral teaching of technical English is carried out in the Language Laboratory of the Faculty.

    Computer science is taught in a room dedicated exclusively to the Physiological Optics Department and equipped with networked microcomputers connected to the Internet.

    Professional internship

    At the end of the first year, students must complete a compulsory six-week internship in a company directly related to the field of optical eyewear.

    The writing and presentation of the internship report constitute a test in the national examination.

  • Teaching programme

    The courses provided represent approximately 1350 hours.

    They reflect the 3 aspects of the profession of optician: Paramedical, Technical, Commercial.

    • General education
      • French
      • English
      • Communication
      • Economy and Management of the Company
    • Optical Systems
      • Mathematics
      • Geometric Optics
      • Physical Optics
      • Technical study of optical systems
    • Analysis of vision
      • Physiological optics
      • Contact optics
        • Optometry
    • Practical training
      • Eye examination
      • Taking of measurements and fitting
      • Equipment control and technical implementation
      • Automatic and manual workshop
      • Application shop
  • Control of knowledge

    Attendance at classes, seminars and practical work is compulsory. Any absence must be justified.

    For each of the two years of study, a set of tests, corresponding to a mock BTS, is organized at the end of each semester.

    Each test is assigned a coefficient defined by the regulation setting the conditions of issuance of the BTS Optician Luminaire.

    The report of the marks obtained is communicated to the families.

    As part of the preparation for the BTS, a school record book is established for each candidate.

    This school report is communicated to the National Jury of the BTS OL.

    In order to pass from the 1st to the 2nd year, the student must justify a general annual average of 10/20 or more.

    At the end of the 2nd year :

    • The B.T.S is obtained after having satisfied the written and oral tests organized at the national level and in accordance with the regulations in force.
    • The D.U.O. is awarded after a single session of university examinations covering all the subjects in the programme.

    Repetition of the first or second year may be authorised after deliberation by the jury and within the limits of available places.

  • Professional integration

    After obtaining the BTS, students can :

    • Enter the Profession of Optician (A job board with various job offers is regularly updated)
    • Continue their training on the same campus in a Professional Optics Licence (Bac+3). = link to the future LP page
  • Teaching team

    Christophe GUICHET

    Senior Lecturer, Director of the Physiological Optics Department

    Teaching: Geometric Optics and Physics (DUO 1st year)

    Sébastien CRAVAGEOT

    Optician - Optometrist, Deputy Director

    Alexis BACHELART

    Associate Professor

    Teaching : English (DUO 1st and 2nd years)

    Xavier BAGARRY

    Associate Professor

    Teaching : Technical Study of Optical Systems (DUO 1st year)

    Julien BATBEDAT

    Certified Professor

    Teaching: French (DUO 2nd year)

    Sarah BSIRI


    Teaching : Optometry (DUO 2nd year)

    Laurent CARROLAGGI

    Certified Teacher

    Teaching : Mathematics (DUO 2nd year)

    Jean-Luc CHIAPELLO

    Associate Professor

    Teaching : Technical Study of Optical Systems (DUO 1st and 2nd year)

    Christelle EYRAUD

    Senior Lecturer

    Teaching: Mathematics (DUO 1st year)

    Lionel GUERRA


    Teaching: Study, Realization and Control of Equipment (DUO 2nd year)

    Hélène HACHE


    Teaching : Vision Analysis (DUO 2nd year)

    Jean-Noël HOUZE


    Teaching: Optometry (DUO 1st year) and Contact Optics (DUO 2nd year)



    Teaching: Facial measurements (DUO 1st year)


    Senior Lecturer

    Teaching: Geometric Optics and Physics (DUO 2nd year)

    Bernard LIANDRA


    Teaching: Optometry (DUO 1st year)

    Jérôme LUCCHESI


    Teaching: Study, Production and Control of Equipment (DUO 1st year)

    Henri NGUYEN THI


    Teaching: Mathematics (DUO 1st year)

    Cyrille PETRONIO


    Teaching: Study, Realization and Control of Equipment (DUO 1st year)

    Laurent PETRONIO


    Teaching : Study, Realization and Control of Equipment (DUO 1st year)

    Karine PORTE


    Teaching : Facial measurements (DUO 2nd year)

    Roland REDON

    Senior Lecturer

    Teaching: Physical Optics (DUO 2nd year)

    Alban SIMON


    Teaching : Vision Analysis (DUO 1st year)

    Yves VINCI

    Certified Professor

    Teaching: Economics (DUO 2nd year) and Management (DUO 2nd year)

    Robert YAPP


    Teaching : Study, Realization and Control of Equipment (DUO 2nd year)