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DU CCIE (Complementary Competencies in Computer Science for Education)

  • Objectives

    This diploma aims to master the basic concepts of computer science, different types of languages and programming environments, to acquire a global vision of the different fields of computer science, its evolution and new technologies, to put into perspective the interactions with other sciences.

    The primary objective is to acquire practical skills and to discover the specificities of computer science for teaching: coordination of computer science projects, resources for teaching.

    The DU CCIE can be an important step in the preparation of the CAPES Numériques et Sciences de l'Informatique (NSI).

  • Public concerned

    This training is mainly aimed at secondary school teachers who already have a background in science and wish to acquire additional skills in computer science.

    The aim is to train teachers to be able to understand with ease the contents of the official programs related to digital technology (middle school), algorithms (mathematics in high school), and computer science (NSI speciality).

  • Admission requirements

    Bachelor of Science or equivalent

    1. Download the application form and return it completed with the required documents before 30/09/2021 :

    either by e-mail to the following address:

    or by mail at the following address Aix-Marseille University - IREM - LUMINY - 163 Avenue de Luminy - case 901 - 13009 Marseille

    2. If the application is accepted, you will be informed by e-mail.

  • Structure and organization

    This training, of a duration of 2 years is composed of Teaching Units (UE) of 3 to 6 credits (ECTS) of the Computer Science Licence of the CTES (Centre de Télé-Enseignement sciences), the totality of the courses and the TD is done at distance organized according to a calendar from the end of October to May with 2 sessions of examinations.

    The tests not presented at the first session can be presented at the second session.

    Date of the final exams year 2020/2021 :

    The exams are held online on the university's teaching platform.

    First year

    1st session: Tuesday 6 July 2021 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and Wednesday 7 July 2021 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

    2nd session: 2 days (Wednesday subject to availability) September 2021

    Second year

    1st session: Thursday 8 July 2021 from 9am to 3.30pm and Friday 9 July 2021 from 9am to 6pm

    2nd session: 2 days (Wednesday subject to availability) September 2021

  • Content of the courses

    This training consists mainly of existing teaching units of the Bachelor of Computer Science offered by AMU.


    Year 1 (280 hours)

    • Introduction to computer science and programming (4 ects)
    • Computer science implementation (3 ects)
    • Programming (6 ects)
    • Logic (6 ects)
    • Automata and languages (6 ects)
    • Operating Systems (3 ects)

    Year 2 (250 hours)

    • Programming 2 (6 ects)
    • Algorithms and discrete structures (6 ects)
    • Databases (3 ects)
    • Computability and Semantics (6 ects)
    • Mathematics and Computer Science Project (6 ects)
    • Architecture (3 ects)
  • Academic knowledge to be acquired

    The fundamental bases essential to master the evolution of the discipline, as well as practical knowledge immediately useful in teaching.

    • General knowledge on information representation
    • Algorithms
    • Languages and programming: the languages studied are JAVA, C++, and Python
    • Hardware architectures
  • Professional opportunities

    • Teaching computer science in secondary education: The DU provides a solid foundation for preparation for the CAPES NSI.
    • Possibility to complete the training to obtain a Licence in computer science.
  • The teaching team

    Most of the teachers participating in this training are full professors at AMU, attached to the following laboratories IREM/LIS/I2M

  • Assessment and control of knowledge

    A first exam session in July and a second one in September, the exams initially written on several sites (IREM or possibly the teaching school), are now on the university's online course platform.

    There is little compulsory continuous assessment, each student can set his or her own pace. Optional continuous assessment is only taken into account if it increases the grade for each UE. The UE are compensable during the year.

  • Annual cost of training

    234 € + 90 € CVEC (Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus) (this cost is for the year 2019/2020, given as an indication)


Gestion évènementielle, communication et stage hippocampe
Responsable du DU