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Master's degree in mathematics and applications: Analysis of deterministic and random models (ANADEAL)

The Master 2 Analysis of Deterministic and Random Models (ANADEAL), which follows on from the Master 2 Applied Mathematics CEPS, is part of the Mathematics and Applications specialization. This Master's degree covers the research themes of the Applied Analysis and ALEA groups at the Institut de Mathématique de Marseille (I2M), and aims to train students in the dual skills of deterministic and random models and methods, from both theoretical and numerical perspectives.

New: ANADEAL course to open in September 2024

S3: only compulsory UEs
Review week: Intensive Python 15h = 3 x 5h end September (if funding available)
EDP 1+2 (6 credits, UE split into 2)
Numerical Analysis 1 and 2 (6 credits, UE split into 2)
Probability and Markov Models (2x3 = 6 credits)
Fundamentals of Statistics and Machine Learning (2x3 = 6 credits)
English (3 credits)
PPPE (3 credits)

S4: internship (18 credits)
4 UE of 3 credits among 7

Transverse 1: Brownian motion and stochastic differential equations (3 credits)
Transverse 2: Scientific computing & machine learning (3 credits)
DE1: Deterministic 1: modeling & theoretical analysis (3 credits)
Ex: diffusion reaction equations
DE2: Deterministic 2: modeling & numerical (3 credits)
Ex: transport models
AL1: Aléatoire 1 (3 credits)
Ex: models in ecology and evolution
AL2: Aléatoire 2 (3 credits)
Ex: calibration of models
UE d'ouverture: cours de l'école centrale (parcours climaths) ou du M1-M2 Math Appli et Stat (3 credits)
Ex: EDP en biologie ou Apprentissage statistique


  • AIMS

    The ANADEAL Applied Mathematics programme offers a generalist education in applied mathematics with courses in PDE, scientific computation, probability and statistics while emphasising the interaction between theoretical, numerical and applied aspects on the one hand and the concepts and methods of the other;The course emphasises the interaction between theoretical, numerical and applied aspects on the one hand and deterministic and algebraic concepts and methods on the other.

    This highly modular course allows each student to orientate his or her training according to his or her preferences around one of the following four typical profiles:

    The course is based on a combination of the two.

    • EDP (theoretical, numerical and applied aspects)
    • Probability and statistics (theoretical, numerical and applied aspects)
    • Theory of PDEs, probabilities and statistics.
    • Democratic and algebraic numerical methods, applied statistics

    Research plays a central role in this business-oriented course. Graduates of this course are therefore destined to continue their studies in doctoral theses or to occupy positions at the engineering level.


    The prerequisites correspond to the skills acquired in a M1 in mathematics (or equivalent level: e.g. in an engineering school), a mastery of the fundamental notions of analysis and probabilities will be required.


    Some knowledge of PDE, stochastic processes, numerical or statistical analysis will be learned, as well as experience in using scientific computing software.


    • SCIENCES, Marseille St-Charles

    The ANADEAL Applied Mathematics programme is a high-level scientific training programme in applied mathematics with a dual purpose of research training and professionalization. It is supported by a dynamic teaching team composed of members of the Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) and thus relies on the activities and skills of the I2M, but also on its collaborations with institutes and companies.


    At the end of their training, students will have acquired a variety of mathematical, theoretical and/or numerical concepts and will know how to articulate them, enabling them to study physical, biological and technological models, etc.

    More specifically, the competences aimed at are:


    • Modifying phenomena from the natural sciences or the humanities
    • Mobilise knowledge for the theoretical study of deterministic or algebraic problems
    • Choose appropriate deterministic or algebraic tools for the exact or approximate solution of a problem
    • Programming numerical methods that are deterministic or algebraic

    Students will have to carry out an internship of a minimum duration of 8 weeks in a research laboratory, a research centre or a company. The internship will lead to the writing of a dissertation and an oral presentation.



    • 114B Unknow value
    • 114C Unknow value
    • 114G Unknow value

    teaching  and/or research

    work in research and development




    The admission is done, depending on the situation, either via the e-candidat system or via Campus France (for students residing in a CEF country). Recruitment is initially based on applications (from March), and then, for successful applicants, by an individual interview (April-July).

    The recruitment process is based on the student's application.


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation
  • Masterclass May 24-25, 2024


    The Master 2 Analysis of Deterministic and Random Models (ANADEAL), which follows on from the Master 2 Applied Mathematics CEPS, is part of the Mathematics and Applications specialization. This Master's degree covers the research themes of the Applied Analysis and ALEA groups at the Institut de Mathématique de Marseille (I2M), and aims to train students in the dual skills of deterministic and random models and methods, from both theoretical and numerical perspectives.

    To promote this Master 2 program, a Master Class is organized to highlight mathematical problems arising from applications in a chosen theme, and the mathematical tools needed to solve them.

    It is primarily aimed at L3, M1 and M2 mathematics students.

    This year's Master Class is dedicated to the application of mathematics to biology, with the confirmed participation of José Carrillo (Oxford University and Morlet Chair at CIRM),

    Florence Hubert (I2M), Anita Layton (University of Waterloo), Raphael Forien (INRAE Avignon).

    The Master Class will take place over two half-days, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

    It is open to all interested students: master's and L3 students from French and French-speaking universities or ENS, and students from engineering schools.

    Financial support Mathematics Department, UFR Sciences, Aix-Marseille University.


    The Master Class will take place at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Cirm) on the Luminy campus, on Friday afternoon May 24, 2024 and the morning of May 25, 2024. Masterclass CIRM website:


    José Carrillo (Oxford University and Morlet Chair at CIRM),

    Florence Hubert (I2M)

    Anita Layton (University of Waterloo)

    Raphaël Forien (INRAE Avignon)



    14h-15h30: Raphaël FORIEN
    15h30-16h: Café
    16h-17h30: Anita LAYTON
    17h30-17h45: M2 ANADEAL presentation


    9h-10h30: José CARRILLO
    10h30-11h: Café
    11h-12h30: Florence HUBERT


    Interested students should pre-register on the CIRM website before May 1.

    Application form:

    one-page CV

    grades from first semester or last year

    a letter of recommendation from a current-year professor

    Registration includes participation in lectures, coffee breaks on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

    Limited possibilities for Friday evening meals at CIRM and overnight accommodation from Friday to Saturday.

    Participants are responsible for their own transport.

  • Masterclass June 23-24, 2023


    The Master 2 Analysis of Deterministic and Random Models (ANADEAL), which follows on from the Master 2 Applied Mathematics CEPS, is part of the Mathematics and Applications specialization. This Master's degree covers the research themes of the Applied Analysis and ALEA groups at the Institut de Mathématique de Marseille (I2M), and aims to train students in the dual skills of deterministic and random models and methods, from both theoretical and numerical perspectives.

    To promote this Master 2 program, a Master Class is organized to highlight mathematical problems arising from applications in a chosen theme, and the mathematical tools needed to solve them. It is primarily aimed at L3, M1 and M2 mathematics students.

    This year's Master Class is dedicated to optimal transport, with the participation of Nicolas Juillet (Université de Haute Alsace), Thibaut Le Gouic and Magali Tournus (Ecole Centrale Marseille), and Romain Hug (I2M).

    The theory of optimal transport was introduced by Monge in the 18th century, to model a very concrete problem of excavation and embankment, and considerably developed in the 20th century by the work of Kantorovitch. The very formulation of Monge's problem, mixing geometry and measurement theory, makes optimal transport a tool present in a wide variety of branches of mathematics, including the modeling of economic problems, optimization, probability, geometry in metric spaces and Riemannian varieties, etc. Numerical and algorithmic aspects have been developed in recent years, leading to applications of optimal transport to statistical learning.

    The Master Class will consist of 4 lectures over two half-days, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

    It is open to all interested students: Masters and L3 students from French and French-speaking universities or ENS, and those from engineering schools.


    The Master Class will take place at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Cirm) on the Luminy campus, on Friday afternoon June 23, 2023 and on the morning of June 24, 2023. Masterclass CIRM website:


    Romain HUG (Aix Marseille Université), Transport optimal dynamique (et ses variantes) : résolution numérique d'un problème d'optimisation sous contrainte convexe.

    Nicolas JUILLET (Université de Haute Alsace), The martingale transport problem

    Optimal transport theory is a rich field at the interface of several mathematical and scientific domains which, after a slow crystallization, experienced a boom at the end of the last century.

    In these two presentations, I will illustrate its use in probability theory, in particular with the subfield of martingale transport.

    Thibaut LE GOUIC and Magali TOURNUS (Ecole Centrale de Marseille), introduction to optimal transport, barycenters and gradient flow in Wasserstein space.


    Friday June 23:

    2 - 3:30 pm: Thibaut LE GOUIC and Magalie TOURNUS

    3:30pm-4pm: Coffee

    16h-17h: Nicolas JUILLET

    17h-17h15: M2 ANADEAL presentation

    Saturday June 24th:

    9h-10h30: Nicolas JUILLET

    10h30-11h: Coffee

    11h-12h: Romain HUG

    Application form:

    Interested students should pre-register on the CIRM website.

    Application form:

    one-page CV

    grades from first semester or last year

    a letter of recommendation from a current-year professor

    Registration includes participation in lectures, and coffee breaks on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

    Limited possibilities for Friday evening meals at CIRM and overnight accommodation from Friday to Saturday.

    Participants are responsible for their own transport.

  • Masterclass June 24-25, 2022


    The Master 2 Applied Mathematics CEPS program focuses on Scientific Calculus, Partial Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, with natural and fertile interactions between these disciplines. Each year, the second-semester courses are given a different theme. For 2022-2023, the theme is "Maths and Health".

    The aim of this Master Class is to give a foretaste of the M2 CEPS theme for year N+1 (2023-2024): "Mathematics and Energy".

    The Master Class will highlight mathematical problems arising from applications and the mathematical tools for solving them.

    The Master Class will consist of two long mathematics lectures of 1 hour 30 minutes and two shorter lectures of 45 minutes.

    It is open to all interested students: Master's and L3 students from French and French-speaking universities or ENS, and those from engineering schools.


    The Master Class will take place at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Cirm) on the Luminy campus, on Friday afternoon June 24, 2022 and on the morning of June 25, 2022. CIRM Masterclass website:


    Aubin BRUNEL, IRSN, short lecture, Numerical schemes for fluid mechanics simulation

    Mitra FOULADIRAD, Ecole Centrale de Marseille, long presentation, Wind modeling and wind turbine degradation analysis

    Anne NOURI, Aix Marseille Université, short presentation, Partial differential equations for energy problems

    Kai SCHNEIDER, Aix Marseille Université, long paper, A characteristic mapping method for the incompressible Euler equations


    Friday June 24:

    14h-15h30: Kai SCHNEIDER

    3.30 - 4 pm: Coffee

    16h-17h: Anne NOURI

    17h-17h15: M2 CEPS presentation

    Saturday June 25th:

    9h-10h30 Mitra FOULADIRAD

    10h30-11h: Coffee

    11h-12h Aubin BRUNEL

    Application form:

    Interested students should pre-register on the CIRM website.

    Application form:

    one-page CV

    grades from first semester or last year

    a letter of recommendation from a current-year professor

    Registration includes participation in lectures, and coffee breaks on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

    Limited possibilities for Friday evening meals at CIRM and overnight accommodation from Friday to Saturday.

    Participants are responsible for their own transport.

Course leaders