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Master Physique fondamentale et applications, Parcours : Physique

L’objectif du parcours « Physique » du Master de Physique est de donner une formation de haut niveau en physique fondamentale, théorique, numérique et expérimentale, couvrant un très vaste domaine de la Physique.


  • AIMS

    The objective of the “Physics” course of the Master of Physics is to provide high-level training in fundamental physics covering a very broad area of ​​Physics, with increase in the theoretical, numerical and experimental skills. It is also about providing students with a great capacity for adaptation compatible with the current evolution of research and industrial development activities in many fields: The Physics of Particles and Astroparticles; Theoretical and Mathematical Physics; Astrophysics and Cosmology; The study of Electromagnetic Radiation, its Interaction with Matter, Analysis and Signal Processing; Optics and Image Processing; The study of condensed matter (Solid, Soft Matter, etc.); The physical study of complex systems (in particular biological); Fusion Sciences and Energy-related fields.


    Solid and in-depth initial training in physics, physics-chemistry or engineering.


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    The “Physics” course objectives are the development of students' individual projects. It allows you to acquire a major in the field of particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, theoretical physics, fusion plasmas, radiation, condensed matter, mesoscopic systems, complex systems , the complexity of the living world, in the processing of large masses of data (big data).


    The main professional objective is to train physicists with both a broad and in-depth knowledge of their discipline. Not very widespread on the national territory outside of training of this type, the “Physics” course aims to provide extensive skills on both theoretical and experimental levels. The professional fields targeted are therefore multiple: on the one hand, training future physicist researchers, on the other hand, injecting into the economic and industrial fabric specialists in physical engineering and technical studies which are necessary to ensure Research and Development. Very diversified, the sectors targeted are in particular those of the optical, electronics, IT, aeronautics and space industries, energy, materials, telecommunications, but also equipment manufacturers, business services, Defense, Health: Operational skills in many areas of Physics; Development of research activities; Industrial development; Analysis and management of scientific projects; Ability to adapt compatible with current developments in research and industrial development activities. Implement scientific approaches in Physics in an academic or private research and development environment, in France or abroad.


    Training through internships and projects is of great importance in the “Physics” course of the Master of Physics. Typically, the M1 offers a research internship in laboratories or industries lasting 7 weeks which can be extended to 2 months in the case of internships in companies or abroad. M2 internships of 4 to 6 months, rewarded, are carried out in a laboratory or company depending on the Research or Professional purpose of the M2 specialty.


    The student, actor of his own training, is offered a modular structure for progressive specialization from the 2nd semester according to a coherent set of teaching units. THE choice is accompanied in semester 1 by a skills assessment. 


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FunPhys Welcome Week academic year 2023-2024

The first day of the Master program in Physics for the academic year 2023-2024 is Tuesday August 29, 2023.

The lectures will start on Monday September 4, 2023.

This is the English description of the "parcours : physique" since it is an international Master program in Fundamental Physics (FunPhys). Please, note that since the Master is internationally open, the classes will be taught in English and a good level of understanding is therefore required. FunPhys is one of the possible study tracks within the Master degree (MSc.) in Physics at Aix-Marseille University.

N.B. It holds up to 2023-2024 academic year (included), end of the period of time for the AMU accreditation for education given by the French Ministery for Higher Education & Research.
The purpose of this 2-year specific training, focused on "Fundamental Physics", is to provide a strong general education in the major areas of physics and the possibilities for specialisation through constructing is own study path by choosing course units.



  • Scholarships

    Some of the above AMU Institutes strongly connected with the FunPhys Master program support excellent students through  4-mont, 8-month or 10-month scholarships (1st or 2nd Master years)  applying for their specific training programs, see for instance

    In addition, there are also three AMU-TIGER Master Excellence 10-month scholarships (one for each the three AMU Institutes: ISFIN, IPhU and  CenTuri Institute).

    Contact the appropriate Institute for any request.

Application procedure

  • Foreword

    • It is reminded that a Master's degree is a 2-year training program. In order to be taught in a more coherent way, it is advised to enroll in the 1st year of the curriculum. Eligible students are those who have obtained a Science degree in Physics, or a 3rd year of engineering or foreign equivalent. Good performance in previous years of education is expected.
    • Enrolment in the 2nd year: future 1st year Master students will be entitled to enrolment if they have completed the Master-1 year. For students coming from other universities the enrolment is possible. Eligible students are those that have completed a first year master in physics, or are holder of an engineer diploma or foreign equivalent. Good performance in previous years of education is expected. An interview may be requested by officials of the Master.

    Please, note that since the Master is internationally open, the classes will be taught in English and a good level of understanding is therefore required.

  • Application procedure

    Check which application process is for you on the dedicated Sciences Faculty web page, here.

    • M1: Application for the 1st Master year (M1) of the FunPhys Master programs: go to the national Master portal "Mon Master", see here. Application period March 22 - April 18, 2023.
    • M2: Application for the 2nd Master year (M2) of the FunPhys Master program requires the e-candidat procedure,: select "Master 2 Physique : Physique MARSEILLE Saint-Charles". Application period April 4 - June 13, 2023


    Follow the Campus France procedure if applicable.

    BEWARE: the Campus France application process needs to be usually fulfilled before January the 1st.

    To find the FunPhys study program on the Campus France website:

    • see the "Master's degree in physics - Physics Track" in Marseille by selecting on the l.h.s.: Master, Sciences, taught in EN, National degree and by type "Marseille" inside the search bar on the top of the page.
    • Alternatively, see the French spoken entry : "Master Sciences, technologie, santé mention Physique - Parcours Physique" : Établissement: Aix-Marseille Université - Faculté des sciences - Campus Marseille Centre (FDS).

    Recommendation Letters:

    If you apply for the 2nd-year Master directly from outside AMU, ask for two confidential recommendation letters (only for candidates who were not previously enrolled in the M1-year of the Master in Physics at AMU):

    Once your application has been submitted, and before mid-June, please arrange for two confidential recommendation letters to be sent directly by one professor of your current M1-year of education and  one by the supervisor of your last year research internship (ex: Master 1 internship). These letters should be emailed directly by your recommenders to the Master administration office.

Useful informations

Responsables du parcours