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Master Chimie, Parcours : Analyse chimique et spectroscopie (ACS)

Le parcours ACS forme des spécialistes et cadres de l’industrie chimique (niveau Bac + 5) capables de concevoir et développer des protocoles d’analyses propres à un projet de caractérisation de produits chimiques, d’éléments chimiques ou d’analyses de traces qui sont couramment utilisées dans différents secteurs d’activité (santé, agro-alimentaire, environnement, parachimie, pétrochimie, cosmétique…).


  • AIMS

    The ACS course trains specialists and managers in the chemical industry (level Bac + 5) capable of designing and developing analysis protocols specific to a project for the characterisation of chemicals, chemical products or trace analyses that are commonly used in different sectors;The project will involve the design and development of specific analytical protocols for the characterisation of chemicals, chemical products or trace analyses that are commonly used in various sectors of activity (health, agro-food, environment, parachemistry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.).

    Students are trained:

      • the implementation of appropriate analytical strategies by combining the main selective analytical techniques and spectroscopic methods.
      • and
      • the development of on-line analysis protocols whose interest is to provide a rapid and reliable answer on the control of the quality of the product;The line is designed to provide a rapid and reliable response to the quality control of samples and the management of a production process thanks to the coupling of chemometric and spectroscopic techniques.

    The ACS course is accessible in initial training, in continuing education by Validation of Professional Acquired Skills (VAP) or experience (VAE) and in alternating work-study by professionalization contract.


    Students with a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry must submit an application for authorization to enroll, which is reviewed by a pedagogical committee made up of the M1 and M2 course leaders.


    Bachelor's degree; majoring in chemistry


    Information non disponible

    The ACS course relies on 5 laboratories of Aix-Marseille Université. These are the PIIM, ISM2, ICR, BIP (CNRS Joseph Aiguier campus) and CINAM (Luminy campus) laboratories. It is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities from the chemistry department, laboratories (GC-orbitrap, GC-MS, LC, Infrared and Raman spectrometry, UV-Visible spectrometry), EPR platforms and the Spectropole;The EPR and Spectropole platforms (liquid NMR, solid NMR, mass spectrometry, chromatography, infrared spectrometry, vibrational circular dichrogram, X-ray diffraction, molecular analysis). These platforms are entities of the Marseille Chemical Sciences Federation, which also offers computing resources to the various laboratories through the Centre Régional de Compétences en Modélisation Moléculaire (CRCMM). This centre has a computer room for teaching purposes and is equipped with computers on which the current software for theoretical chemistry is implemented.


    The graduate trained in Chemical Analysis and Spectroscopy has the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to:

    Chemical Analysis and Spectroscopy

    • Master the main selective, spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques, with or without coupling
    • Solve complex analytical problems by exploiting the main selective, spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques, with or without coupling.
    • Maîtrise the instrumental concepts necessary for the management and optimization of instrument performance.
    • Choose and implement techniques for purification, analysis and characterisation of organic molecules
    • Use techniques specific to the analysis of solids, and surfaces

    In order for students to develop their skills in teamwork in an academic and industrial environment, they will have the opportunity to complete at least two internships (in a laboratory and in a company), in France or abroad, during the two years of the Master's programme (a minimum of 3 months in M1 and 6 months in M2); They will also have the opportunity to carry out a minimum of two internships (laboratory and company, in France or abroad) during the two years of the Master's programme (a minimum of 3 months internship in M1 and 6 months in M2), as well as a minimum of two compulsory tutor projects in M1 and M2 (the latter having the objective of preparing for the internship).


    The teaching is given in part in a classical form with lectures, tutorials and practical work, but also in the form of projects (tutorials during practical work) and work done by students (document studies, bibliography, etc.);The course will be taught in the form of projects (tutor projects, during practical work), and work carried out by students (document studies, bibliography, case studies), and then presented to the teachers of the course and all the students.



    • 111G Unknow value
    • 116F Unknow value
    • 116G Unknow value

    Information non disponible



    Students with a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry must submit an application for authorization to enroll, which is reviewed by a pedagogical committee made up of the M1 and M2 course leaders.


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation
    • Alertnating Learning formation
    • Contract Learning formation

Responsables du parcours