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Licence Mathématiques et informatique appliquées aux sciences humaines et sociales (MIASHS), Parcours : Mathématiques et sciences sociales

L’objectif du parcours MS est de permettre aux étudiants d’acquérir les connaissances nécessaires pour comprendre, analyser, et interpréter des problèmes sociaux de façon rigoureuse.


  • AIMS

     • Maths and social sciences (MS)


    Élaborate scientific studies requiring the collection and statistical processing of data on the behaviours, attitudes and perceptions of individuals and social groups in order to understand contemporary social phenomena in a complex way. The course combines the theoretical and methodological approaches of the social sciences and humanities (economics, sociology, psychology and geography) with a mastery of mathematical and computer science models.

    This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the social phenomena of today's society in a complex manner.


    The MS course of the MIASHS Licence is carried by the department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences. It allows the continuation of studies in Master in the three disciplinary fields (mathematics, computer science and SHS). The MS course is organised around different sets of options allowing: a connection with the Master in Applied Mathematics, Statistics, the Master MEEF which prepares for the teaching professions, as well as the Master in Cognitive Sciences.

    The MS course will also allow for the continuation of studies in the Master's degree programme in the three disciplines of Mathematics, Computer Science and Social Sciences.

    The MS pathway will thus facilitate, for all students, access to the various masters in statistics, data science, actuarial science,...

    This course relies in the same way on different research teams at Aix Marseille University:

    The course is based on the following

    • L'I2M (Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille) UMR CNRS 7373
    • The LIS, a unit born on 1 January 2018 from the merger of the Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale (UMR CNRS 7279 LIF) and the Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes (UMR CNRS 7296 LSIS)
    • The ESPACE laboratory UMR CNRS 7300 which brings together geographers, sociologists, historians and anthropologists
    • The LPED (Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement) UMR 151 AMU-IRD
    • The OSU (Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers)

    More specifically, the link with research is made via internships in laboratories, or through the methodology of certain exercises: the carrying out of surveys, polls, experiments, the design and exploitation of databases, the writing of a dissertation under the direction of a teacher-researcher in connection with the themes of the laboratories concerned.


    Future MIASHS graduates, regardless of the level of degree attained, will be able, with varying degrees of performance, to:

    They will be able to

    • Use disciplinary and transdisciplinary scientific knowledge: understand and solve economic and social problems in a rigorous manner by acquiring and articulating a necessary knowledge base in mathematics, computer science, and human and social sciences.
    • Élaborer une démarche scientifique : Analyse, model and interpret through a rigorous scientific process complex economic and social problems by articulating in a relevant way various methods and disciplinary knowledge.
    • Communicate clearly and rigorously in French and English: Rédiger et présenter orally un compte rendu d'eeacute;tudes, un mémoire ou un rapport de stage accessibles à divers publics qui respectent les normes de rédaction et de présentation des disciplines concernées (maths, computer science, and humanities and social sciences). To be introduced to written and oral scientific communication in English.
    • Develop and implement individual or group projects: Build and develop individual or group interdisciplinary projects (math, computer science, and humanities and social sciences) based on a collaborative process.
    • Use disciplinary skills in the professional environment: Use methodologies and put into perspective knowledge in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and humanities and social sciences in the context of a research project or a professional project.
    • Develop a project facilitating integration within a professional organisation and an ethic favouring responsibility: Build a personal and professional project by putting in synergy multidisciplinary knowledge (mathematics, statistics, computer science, and human and social sciences) respecting the principles of ethic and deontology.

    More specifically, students from the MS pathway will be able to carry out scientific studies involving the collection and statistical processing of data;They will be able to develop scientific studies involving the collection and statistical processing of data on the behaviours, attitudes and perceptions of individuals or groups in order to better understand contemporary social phenomena, by articulating theoretical and empirical approaches from a wide range of social sciences and humanities (including sociology, psychology, geography).


    The MS pathway offers a compulsory work placement in the final semester. Students can carry out their placement in companies, local authorities or research organisations (see the list of laboratories heavily involved in the MIASHS degree).

    Students are thus encouraged to apply their skills in mathematics, statistics, computer science, sociology, geography, psychology and history to problems and themes such as logistics, transport, insurance, forecasting, management and the environment;insurance, météorological foresight, the environment, health, or education... Through the multidisciplinary nature of its content, the MS pathway of the MIASHS degree offers natural links with the socioéconomic world.

    In particular, the advanced training in statistics, computer science and social and human sciences gives students a high degree of adaptability in the use of companies' digital tools, as well as the ability to propose relevant statistical treatments based on the problems of the departments that host students on work placements.

    In addition to the compulsory or optional internships set out in the teaching curricula and created, additional, subsidised internships, which are the subject of a special agreement, are also offered;These may be carried out during periods when teaching is interrupted.

    The aim of these work placements, which must be validated in advance by the academic head of the diploma and/or the vocational integration and guidance service, will be to encourage the candidate to enter the world of work as part of their career plan or to prepare for a change of direction.


    The course is taught exclusively in the classroom. A great deal of emphasis is placed on supervised work, since around 90% of the teaching is divided into lectures and supervised work. One of the strengths of the programme is the presence of projects and work placements related to the skills listed above (around 20% of the work assessed). Another strong point is the organisation of multidisciplinary workshops. Around 60% of the courses are based on digital working media (AMETICE). 



    • 114D Mathématiques de l'économie, statistique démographique, mathématiques des sciences sociales, des sciences humaines (fr)
    • 123G Sociologie et travail social ; Sociologie et santé (fr)
    • 326M Informatique, traitement de l'information (fr)
    • 313N Etudes économiques et financières (fr)

    Examples of the career paths of our former students:

    Professorate of colleges

    Statistics officer


    Investigation and survey manager for institutes, observatories: Statistician for the Observatoire Régional de la Santé

    Banking, insurance, finance;

    Education, administration (competitive examinations);

    Research and development: project management, quality, risk management, audit;

    IT engineering;

    Human resources



Responsables du parcours