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Licence Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre, Parcours : CUPGE « Agro-Véto »

Le parcours CUPGE Agro-Véto-ENS a pour objectif de donner aux étudiants la formation nécessaire pour intégrer une école d'agronomie (ENSA ou ENITA) ou une école vétérinaire (ENV) par la voie du concours B, ou une École normale supérieure (ENS) par le second concours.


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  • AIMS

    The CUPGE Agro-Véto-ENS course has a double objective:

    To give students the necessary training to enter an agronomy school (ENSA or ENITA) or a veterinary school (ENV) through the B competitive exam, or an École normale supérieure (ENS) through the second competitive exam. This preparatory cycle lasts three years and begins in the first university year. This course includes specific teaching units for each competitive examination, i.e. courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, French, English and preparation for professional interviews with the jury.
    To award a Bachelor's degree in Life and Earth Sciences (SVT) and thus continue their training within the Masters offered by Aix-Marseille University and by other universities.


    Scientific baccalaureate


    • SCIENCES, Marseille St-Charles

    The training can be defined as "by and for research":

    One of the outlets of the course is directly linked to research careers - agronomy schools, veterinary schools, Écoles normales supérieures ;
    The training is organised through research, in particular via the study of scientific results which are explained and then analysed during their scientific popularisation.

    Thus, all the teachers are university teachers-researchers or agrégés-holders of a doctorate.


    Mobilize fundamental concepts and practices to identify, analyze and answer questions in life and environmental sciences : acquire a scientific and humanist culture to reflect on contemporary scientific issues

    Mobilize a wide range of knowledge in the context of a specialization

    Outline a scientific or professional project in SVT


    Solve mathematics, physics and chemistry problems in a limited time
    Develop a training project in line with their academic career, and be able to question themselves
    Identify, know how to choose and integrate a company for an internship, in accordance with their professional project
    Write a CV adapted to a given professional interview
    Master the French language for the purposes of presenting a professional career and for scientific communication
    Master the English language, both written and oral, for scientific communication purposes
    Support a professional interview
    Acquire a scientific and humanistic culture on the issues of today and tomorrow's world
    Conducting a collaborative project: comparing ideas, planning and distributing tasks, harmonising content in order to produce a coherent collective written and oral report
    Conducting an individual project: defining a question, planning the project, compiling data and structuring it to produce a coherent individual written and oral report
    Understand a topical subject by mobilising their scientific and humanist culture and their critical mind
    Take into account the historical and scientific context of an article on a scientific theme in order to formulate a scientific and humanist questioning based on the reading of this article
    Reflect on a scientific and humanistic questioning, following the reading of an article on a scientific theme


    The teaching is based on proximity to the competition tests, as well as on individual student follow-up:

    The UE are centred on the competition programmes and supervised by experienced and multidisciplinary teachers.
    Written and oral mock tests are carried out on a continuous basis.
    Students are monitored individually, both in terms of their progress in the subject areas and the development of their professional project.

    The training is thus based on continuous assessment, which makes it possible to manage individual progress over the semester and the year.

    Training for the competitive examination is supplemented by biology teaching, so that students have the necessary background to enter any master's degree related to the environment.



    • 110F Spécialités pluri-scientifiques (application aux technologies de production) (fr)
    • 113F Sciences des ressources agro-alimentaires (fr)
    • 114C Mathématiques de la physique, de la chimie, de la biologie (fr)

    Agricultural engineer





    The CUPGE Agro-Véto-ENS course can be integrated into the 1st year of a degree, via ParcourSup. It can also be integrated into the 2nd and 3rd year of the degree programme following a file examination. The application file must be submitted on E-candidat.


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
      Formation initiale
    • Continious formation
      Formation continue

Responsables du parcours