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Licence Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre, Parcours : Métiers de technicien géologue

L’objectif de ce parcours est de former de futurs techniciens supérieurs (ou assistants ingénieurs) polyvalents, capables d’une approche raisonnée du terrain pour assurer des prélèvements géologiques de toutes natures (roches, sols, eaux) et pour réaliser des mesures physiques et chimiques de terrain.


  • AIMS

    After a first year in the scientific portal Louis Pasteur, the engineering technician course is aimed at students of the second year of the life and earth sciences degree;It is intended for students of the second year of the Life and Earth Sciences degree who are keen not to pursue long studies and who wish to enter the private socio-economic world after graduation.

    The objective of this course is to train future multi-skilled senior technicians (or assistant engineers) capable of a reasoned approach to the field to ensure geological surveys of all kinds (rocks, soils, water) and to carry out physical and chemical field measurements. The students of the course will therefore have acquired a basic theoretical knowledge in all the fields of geology supported by a field approach developed during academic field courses but also during periods spent in companies (internships and work experience). Even if this is not the main objective of their training, they will also follow lessons on laboratory techniques to enable them to better understand the expectations of their fieldwork. They will also have to be able to write, in French as well as in English, a report on a specific fieldwork, possibly including a first analysis of the field observations.


    The M&E Technician course is aimed at all science students who have validated the 60 ECTS of the Louis Pasteur or Marie Curie science portals


    Have validated the 60 ECTS of the scientific portals Louis Pasteur or Marie Curie


    Learn to do fieldwork in any field! To be able to work in the field in any discipline, not to want to continue studying after the degree and to have acquired a good basic knowledge of geology, physics and chemistry.


    The M&E degree for engineering technicians is attached to the SVT Terre course. It runs over two years (L2, L3), i.e. four semesters, at the Marseille Saint-Charles site.


    Information non disponible

    The M&E Technician pathway is attached to the Earth pathway of the Life and Earth Sciences mention, and includes specific professionalising teaching modules. The teachers involved in this course carry out their research activities mainly at the Centre européen de recherche et d'enseignement en géosciences de l'environnement (CEREGE) and more occasionally at the Laboratoire de chimie de l'environnement (LCE), both CNRS mixed research units of Aix-Marseille université

    The socio-professional contributors mainly provide additional training in the fields of engineering and polluted soils and belong to the engineering and environment branches of Syntec ingénierie.


    It is a course that offers fundamental and applied teaching, particularly in fieldwork in the fields of exogenous geology, stratigraphy, soils and water, tectonics, the environment, natural hazards, contaminated soils and water chemistry, applied geology and the environment;The course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the various disciplines in the field of natural hazards, soil pollution and water chemistry, applied geology and geophysics, mineral resources, cartography and geomatics, physical properties of natural materials, and laboratory techniques. It also provides related knowledge of environmental and engineering regulations and standards, and knowledge of the professional environment.

    The course is designed for students who wish to learn more about the environment.


    • Know how to observe and describe a geological study site
    • Know how to use this fundamental knowledge of geology for the understanding of study sites and the macroscopic analysis of samples
    • Know how to use the techniques acquired in an appropriate manner
    • Know how to acquire quality measurements and learn their accuracy
    • Know how to take samples according to a protocol in preparation for their future use
    • Know how to use cartographic tools to report and exploit geo-localised work
    • Know how to communicate in writing and orally to report on work done or a project
    • Apply the standards and regulations of their professional field
    • Acquire professional and safe behaviour, respect, autonomy, teamwork


    An internship is strongly recommended at the end of the first year of the course (L2). It is validated by a report and an oral presentation to the class at the end of L3 and gives rise to a bonus in S5.

    An apprenticeship contract is compulsory in the second year of the course (L3). The period in the company will be monitored by an academic tutor and will include site visits, interviews with the professional tutor, personalised follow-up and regular oral reports to the L3 class allowing for exchanges of experience. It will be validated by a report, a final oral presentation and the appraisal of the professional tutor.

    A unit of study will be taught by a professional tutor.

    One teaching unit in L2 is dedicated to accompanying the student in his or her search for an internship and apprenticeship contract as well as preparation for recruitment (application and interview).


    A case study is carried out in small groups over a year in partnership with the professional world. Numerous days or weeks in the field in a variety of geographical environments enable the student to acquire a good basic knowledge of field observation.

    The course is based on a case study of a project, which is carried out in small groups over a year in partnership with the professional world.


    Site visits and work experience activities complement the theoretical training.

    The acquisition of skills is assessed through continuous tests, reports on practical work and field trips, lectures and a final examination. The evaluation of skills is also carried out throughout the student's career through the constitution of his or her digital passport, an e-portfolio, which is validated at the end of the L3 course.



    • 341N Etudes en urbanisme et aménagement (fr)
    • 117G Géologie de l'environnement ; Météorologie (fr)
    • 117B Méthodes, mesures, modèles en sciences de la terre (fr)
    • 231M Mines et carrières, génie civil, topographie (plurifonctionnelle) (fr)
    • 111G Physique-chimie de l'environnement (fr)

    The graduates of this training course carry out their activities in various professional branches of the engineering sector: engineering expertise, engineering, mining and quarrying, water management, environmental diagnosis, etc. The engineering technician profession is divided into various professions working in industrial and construction companies, but more particularly in engineering and design offices.

    The need for engineering technicians is growing.

    The need for technicians in these fields is particularly high compared to the number of professionals trained each year at this level. The implementation in October 2020 of the ELAN law imposing a technical study for the sale of any building land, in particular in areas where there is a risk of differential soil movement;The new law, which is based on the principle of the differential movement of the soil due to dryness and hydration, has greatly increased the demand for technicians trained in this field.

    In reality, our professional partners are recruiting, a job awaits you at the end of your degree!

    – Management Technician (OGR 20154)

    – Engineering Technician (OGR 20157)

    – Field Management Technician (OGR 20156)



    The L3 students will be accompanied in the construction of their e-portfolio, participation in professional social networks and the improvement of their job search techniques within the Personal Professional Project teaching units throughout the year.

    They will also be given broad information on the different professional fields available to them through meetings with professionals and workshops.


    This course aims to insert oneself into parapublic and private structures in France.



    L2–L3 : Didier Vandamme (


    L2–L3 : Anne-Sophie Peyou (, tél. : +33 (0)4 13 55 00 72 – 3, place Victor Hugo – 133331 Marseille cedex 3



    The course is mainly targeted at students from the Louis Pasteur and Marie Curie portals or from the L1en2ans Louis Pasteur and Marie Curie of Aix-Marseille université.

    Êulate motivated:

    • Do not want to continue your studies after the licence
    • Have a well-developed practical sense
    • Love teamwork

    Typical courses can be access by
    • Alertnating Learning formation

Responsables du parcours