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Master Mécanique, Parcours : Waves, acoustics, vibrations, engineering and sound (WAVES)

Le parcours Fluids and Solids (F&S) offre une formation scientifique ayant pour objectif la compréhension, la modélisation et l’analyse de milieux fluides et solides présents notamment dans l’environnement, dans les processus naturels, en interface avec la biologie, ou encore dans des processus industriels.


  • AIMS

    The WAVES programme (standing for Waves, Acoustics, Vibrations,
    Engineering and Sound) aims to provide the students with a wide
    spectrum of scientific knowledge and skills in Acoustical Engineering,
    from advanced modeling of wave phenomena to the sustainable
    development of silent transport systems in urban areas. The graduates
    will gain an international expertise to tackle the growing challenges
    that will face tomorrow's acoustical engineers in industrial and
    academic contexts. They will contribute to reduce the environmental
    impact of noise, to enhance the performance of audio and sound
    equipment systems or to improve structural health monitoring devices.
    These domains are a source of highly-skilled jobs in a large number of
    industrial sectors such as transports (aeronautics, automotive and rail),
    buildings and infrastructures, energy (structural monitoring of nuclear
    powerplants, windfarms...), audio systems and musical instruments,
    oceanography and geophysics.


    Requirements are :

    A Bachelor (First cycle, 180 ECTS) in Acoustics or related disciplines (mathematics, physics, mechanical, electrical or civil engineering, computer science) ;

    English proficiency, as all courses are taught in English. A certification of CEFRL B2 level is required, except for students with experience of at least 6 months in countries where English is the official langage.


    Any previous professional or academic activity related to acoustics


    Semester 3 of the WAVES programme is naturally backed by the Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics (AMU – CNRS – Centrale Marseille, UMR7031) and more generally by the laboratories of the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering IMI (IRPHE, IUSTI, LMA, M2P2), located at the Château-Gombert campus. Through the internship (Semester 4), the summer school (end of semester 2), advanced curricular units devoted to state of the art of scientific research (Semester 3), participation to research talks, bibliographical studies and lab reports, the WAVES programme prepares students for the various skills (theoretical, numerical and experimental) required in research, enabling applications to competitive doctoral programs.


    The main objective of the Master WAVES is to provide the students expertise in experimental methodology, numerical modeling and theory in order to be able to design, characterize, model and understand acoustical systems and devices.

    To this end, it should prepare students to develop creative approaches to solve problems related to identification, application and production of acoustical systems, using fundamental and transdisciplinary knowledge of Acoustics and being able to mobilize various multidisciplinary parties and abilities.


    During semester 3, the “Projects” teaching unit (80 hours, 4 ECTS) aims to implement the knowledge and skills acquired over the 3 semesters to tackle a problem that cuts across several teaching units. In small groups (3 to 4 students), these projects are carried out independently, under the supervision of a member of the teaching team, with a particular incentive to approach third parties for specific contributions. The projects give rise to intermediate and final reports, as well as an oral defense.

    Semester 4 is then guaranteed at the stage for a period of 6 months, between February and August. It can be carried out at one of the partners of the WAVES program or in another establishment (after validation by the educational committee) and gives rise to the writing of an internship report.


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    Information non disponible

    -In research, with thesis pursuits in laboratories,
    -in companies, in research and development, management and design office positions.
    The spectrum of sectors concerned is broad and covers all areas of mechanics, and more specifically depending on the pathways chosen by students: aeronautics, transport, fire safety, energy, living environments and the environment.

    Jobs: R&D engineering, design office, research...




    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
      Ce parcours est accessible en Formation Initiale. Attention toutefois, la candidature se fait directement sur le site dédié avec une campagne de recrutement ouverte entre novembre et janvier. Informations sur les modalités de candidature sur

Responsables du parcours