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  • Biology Department
  • Initial training - Continuing education
  • Marseille Saint-Charles

A multidisciplinary teaching program, rooted in research and open to the international scene, to meet the challenges of tomorrow's neurosciences.


  • AIMS

    This Master's degree is an innovative course in fundamental and applied neuroscience with a focus on research and international careers. The primary objective of the course is to provide students with a solid foundation of skills in the multidisciplinary fields of neuroscience, from the molecule to cognitive functions, including the neuron, neuronal networks, their development, and the major integrated functions. A significant proportion of the teaching is therefore common. The second objective is to train students through research and thus encourage them to become autonomous. This is accompanied, in all courses, by the development of analytical skills and a critical sense. It also involves teaching them teamwork and collective project management - which does not exclude autonomy - and, where possible, taking the initiative.


    Students with a bachelor in science, health or psychology or equivalent professional experience (VAE, VAP). Master students (M1 or M2 degree) may be admitted by application.


    The master's degree in neuroscience is structured into 3 pathways, 2 of which are classroom-based (CSN and ICN pathways) and 1 distance learning (EMN-Online).

    The face-to-face CSN and ICN pathways are organized as a 'core curriculum + pathway':

    • The first year (M1) is essentially made up of teaching units (UEs) common to the different pathways and a choice of two optional UEs offered in the second semester, enabling students to make a preliminary choice of pathway
    • In M2, approximately half of the courses taught are common to the different pathways, while the other half correspond to specialized courses in cellular and systems neuroscience (CSN pathway) or in integrated and cognitive neuroscience (ICN pathway)
    • All courses are taught in English

    The EMN-Online program is the only Master in neuroscience in France that is entirely in English and online:

    • It leads to a Master's degree co-accredited by 3 universities: Bordeaux, Aix-Marseille and Nice
    • Courses are taught by lecturers from the various partner universities via videoconferencing, recorded and available asynchronously
    • Students do not have to be present on campus for classes or exams
    • Only laboratory research placements (in M1 and M2) must be done face-to-face
    • This course is suitable for people who have a job or are returning to study

    The Master's degree in Neuroscience aims to form students in the different fields of Neurosciences (Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences, Neurophysiology, Neuroimaging, Neurodevelopment), by offering them a basic common training and more focused teaching in the different domains of expertise covered by the Master.


    • Conducting projects by mobilizing concepts, theories, and methods from the Neuroscience fields, using a multidisciplinary approach (molecular, cellular, integrated, or cognitive levels).
    • Analyzing and interpreting experimental data in a critical manner (hypothesis formulation and implementation of a hypothetical-deductive approach).
    • Organizing in a written document or orally a logical argument resulting from a hypothetical deductive approach, or a research report close to classical scientific communication, in French and English.
    • Mobilizing the knowledge and skills acquired in Neuroscience, whether disciplinary or not, for conducting a project in a public or private professional organization.
    • Identifying training and professions (research and development, project manager, teaching, etc.) in the public or private sectors that allow potentiating the theoretical and practical skills acquired in Neuroscience, and building a professional project in an autonomous and responsible manner.

    During their Master's degree, students carry out several internships in M1 and M2 in public (University, CNRS, INSERM) or private (company, start-up) research structures. As part of the international opening, students can carry out their M1 and/or M2 internship in one of the partner universities.


    The industrial sector (about fifteen local or regional companies) participates to the Master's program, and promotes the link with the socio-professional environment, particularly for research internships in private companies.


    The list of internships is available on the course website. The professionalization courses include scientific CV workshops and meetings with professionals. A newsletter is published every month with information on doctoral training and careers in neuroscience. NeuroSchool hosts the NeuroCommunity, a LinkedIn group that brings together current and former members of AMU neuroscience labs and training. The training supports the association of neuroscience students of Marseille 'Neuronautes', which organizes various actions, including networking.


    Mobility scholarships: the Master has long established a partnership with the Universities of Oldenburg and Helsinki (Erasmus+), as well as a specific agreement with the Université de Montréal. This partnership is made concrete by the exchange of students in both M1 and M2. Mobility costs (incoming and outgoing) are fully covered by the NeuroSchool graduate school. In the context of the new CIVIS alliance of universities, the international openness of the Master's degree has been strengthened and we have already established strong relationships with the Universities of Tübingen, Rome, Madrid and Brussels.


Course of study

Champ 1

Molecular, Cellular and Integrated Neuroscience (NMCI) course
Champ 1

Integrated, Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience (ICBN) course
Champ 1

Complementary Computing Skills Course
Champ 1

Euro-Mediterranean Master in Neuroscience (EMN-Online)

(subject to validation)

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