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The purpose of mechanics is to study fluid and solid media as well as the systems that result from them. It studies their properties, deformations and movements, combining theory, numerical modelling and experimental implementation. The fields of application of mechanics are numerous: we can mention transport, energy, the environment, health and it is naturally at the heart of many industrial processes. The training provided by the Department of Mechanics prepares students for engineering jobs in the application sectors of mechanics as well as for jobs in academic and industrial research.

The Department of Mechanics is one of the 8 departments of the Faculty of Sciences of Aix-Marseille University. It is located on the Technopôle de Château-Gombert.

The content of the courses is strongly linked to the research laboratories of the Fabri de Peiresc Federation, which includes four laboratories:

The Department of Mechanics is attached to the Doctoral School (ED353) Engineering Sciences "Mechanics, Physics, Micro and Nanoelectronics

Our training courses prepare students for access to research as well as for training in industrial sectors such as aeronautics, space, fire safety, the environment, energy, mechanical systems, structures and composite materials, etc.

The department maintains close links with competitiveness clusters such as Pégase, Cap'énergie or the Risk cluster. In addition, the department is a partner in technological platforms such as the Inovsys platform and the Composite Materials and Plastics platform.


    The TECHBIER is a work to be done in pairs (TP pairs) with the following two objectives.

    OBJECTIVE 1 : To produce a rigid poster that can be fixed on a wall and that exposes a real mechanical system in the most explanatory way.

    The system is chosen by the pair among discarded objects, it must contain a transformation of movement between the motor and receiver element (example: crank rod, rack and pinion, ...).

    The choice is validated by the teacher.

    The object must be dismantled and the parts positioned as on an exploded perspective.

    A functional analysis (APTE, FAST, ...) must be included on the poster (in order to show the transformation of movement).

    The nomenclature of the main parts should also be included in order to list the materials used.


    OBJECTIVE 2 : to make an oral presentation (ppt and pdf format, containing a maximum of 5 slides) that will explain the Product/Process/Material relationship for a particular part of the system.

    Examples from last year are visible.

    The evaluation will judge the aesthetics of the realization (20%), the technological study (30%) and the justification of the choice of materials (50%).

  • Situational Activities - AMS

    The students must obtain a result or answer a simple question, without any guidance.

    They have free access to materials and software and must, based on the course and tutorials, propose solutions and implement them. This approach is very effective in developing autonomy and reflection on the course.

    Beyond these skills, it initiates a deeper questioning of the meaning of what is taught: the confrontation with experimental difficulties (even on simple experiments) quickly sweeps away the impression that "everything is made of formulas" and shows that knowledge is a way of understanding the world and not a compulsory exercise for the validation of a diploma.

  • Apprenticeship tax

    By paying the apprenticeship tax to the Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Sciences of Aix Marseille University you contribute to the training of your future employees

    The payments of the apprenticeship tax allow the Department of Mechanics to :

    expand its partnerships with companies

    maintain the high technological level of its equipment

    enrich its teaching materials and educational resources develop its documentary collection

    recruit lecturers and professionals to improve the student supervision rate, etc.

  • Courses

    Internships are privileged moments of encounter between students and companies. For students, they are the first contact with the reality of the profession and for companies, an opportunity to recruit new employees.

    Submit your internship offers

    For any internship proposal and more generally for any request for information on this subject, do not hesitate to contact us:

    Nassera SLIMANI

    Assistant Director MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT

    indicating the following information:

    • Subject
    • Number of trainees
    • Duration and location of the course
    • Skills and knowledge required
    • Person(s) from the company supervising the internship
    • Contact details to send CV and cover letter
    • Presentation of the company (brochure, web address)
    • Other information you wish to pass on to students (access, remuneration, etc.)

    Internship calendar by training course

    Course and agreement

    The subject of the internship must be identified by the company and validated by the department concerned after consultation. The internship in the company takes place according to the terms and conditions described in the agreement.

    Each trainee has a contact person in the mechanical department during this period. The trainee writes a report on his professional activity. He must agree with his tutors on the content and form of his internship report. He must also think about allowing sufficient time for the writing of the report.

    This can, in agreement with the company, be done during the hours of presence in the host company. The internship report must be signed by the tutor of the host company and submitted 8 days before the exam. A presentation is organized at the end of the internship in the form of an oral defense before a jury. The evaluation of the internship includes the report, the oral presentation and the assessments of the company tutor. In accordance with article 12 of the agreement, the trainee must obtain an internship certificate from the host company. If you have projects to propose to our students, do not hesitate to contact the department.

  • Partners

  • Student Associations

    • Nidaeco
    • BVE Technopôle de Château-Gombert
  • Practical life (accommodation and catering)

    HOUSING on the Technopôle


    207 equipped apartments (from T1 to T2), closed garages available for rent.

    Marseille Provence Technopole in Château-Gombert

    38, rue Joliot-Curie

    13013 Marseille


    rental of 147 equipped apartments

    Marseille Provence Technopole in Château-Gombert

    Rue Enrico Fermi

    13013 Marseille


    131 apartments (120 studios, 11 T2)

    Marseille Provence Technopole in Château-Gombert

    Rue Louis Le Prince Ringuet

    13013 Marseille


    176 furnished apartments

    Marseille Provence Technopole in Château-Gombert

    19 Rue Louis Le Prince Ringuet

    13013 Marseille


    90 rooms, from studios to 2 rooms.

    Marseille Provence Technopole in Château-Gombert

    5 rue Augustin-Fresnel

    13013 Marseille

    RESTAURATION on the Technopole


    Mediterranean Institute of Technology Marseille Provence Technopole at Château-Gombert

    13451 Marseille Cedex 20 Telephone: 04 91 05 46 18

    Formulas : Table service (on order), self-service, sandwiches.

    Opening hours: Monday to Friday. Cafeteria: from 7:30 am to 5:50 pm Restaurant: from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm


    Marseille Provence Technopole at Château-Gombert

    Rue Max Planck - 13013 Marseille Telephone: 04 91 05 10 20

    Formulas : breakfast, menus, a la carte / take away, sandwiches

    Open : Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm


    Marseille Provence Technopole in Château-Gombert

    41, rue Joliot-Curie - 13013 Marseille Phone : 04 91 11 78 12

    Formulas : Breakfast, dish of the day, menu.

    Opening : Monday to Friday from 7am to 5.30pm


    Technopole Marseille Provence in Château-Gombert

    4 Rue Augustin Fresnel - 13013 Marseille Telephone : 04 91 11 75 43

    Formula : Restaurant, pizzeria with take away and delivery service

    Opening : Monday to Friday for the restaurant. Every day from 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm for the pizzeria


    Marseille Provence Technopole in Château-Gombert

    305 rue Albert Einstein - 13013 Marseille Telephone : 04 91 07 37 16

    Formula : Restaurant, pizzeria

    Open : from Monday to Saturday for lunch and dinner


    Marseille Provence Technopole in Château Gombert

    Pôle de service Fresnel 1 rue Augustin Fresnel - 13013 Marseille Telephone : 04 91 11 75 32

    Formula : Restaurant, caterer

    Open : Monday to Saturday lunchtime, Friday evening and Saturday evening, other evenings by reservation


    Marseille Provence Technopole in Château Gombert

    Résidence Oxford 6 rue Louis Neel - 13013 Marseille Telephone : 04 91 06 52 27

    Formula: Salad shop, hot and cold sandwich shop, bread and pastries for company breakfasts.

    Open from Monday to Friday for lunch.

Rentrée 2024-2025


L2 Mécanique 

L3 Mécanique

L3 SPI parcours ingénierie des matériaux (IM) le mercredi 4 septembre 2024 à 9h30 salle/ Amphi 1

M1 Mécanique le mardi 3 septembre 2024 à 10h00 salle/ 302 1er étage

M2 Mécanique parcours Aéronautique et Transport le lundi 16 septembre 2024 à 14h00 salle/ Amphi Orange

M2 Mécanique parcours Feu et Ingénierie de la Sécurité Incendie le lundi 16 septembre 2024 à 14h00 salle/ Amphi Orange

M2 Mécanique parcours Fluids & Solids le lundi 16 septembre 2024 à 14h00 salle/Amphi Orange

M1 Génie Mécanique                            salle/ 301 1er étage (dates et heures à venir...)

M2  Génie Mécanique parcours CSM le lundi 16 septembre 2024 à 14h00 Amphi 1

M2  Génie Mécanique parcours CSC le lundi 16 septembre 2024 à 14h00 salle/303 1er étage




  • Requests concerning schooling

    For all requests concerning schooling, please contact the Pedagogical Secretariat:

    • For the Licences and Masters of Mechanics :

      Chantal EXBRAYAT Tel:
    • For the L3 SPI IM, the Licence PRO EMPC and the Masters in Mechanical Engineering:

      Maria-Cirila MUNOZ Tel:
  • Technopole

    The Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Sciences is located in the Château-Gombert Technopole.

    The Marseille Provence Technopole is one of the privileged areas for economic development in the Marseille metropolitan area.

    It is the point of convergence of the economic world and the academic resources of the Pôle de l'Etoile which includes the Saint-Jérôme and Château-Gombert campuses.

    Key figures

    • 180 hectares
    • 300,000 sq. m. of built area
    • 170 companies
    • 2 major specialized university scientific centers:
      • in Mechanics UNIMECA
      • in Mathematics
    • 2 major engineering schools:
      • Ecole Centrale Marseille
      • Polytech Marseille
    • 7 research laboratories
    • 2 inter-university centres
    • 1 incubator: Impulse
    • 1 business incubator: Marseille Innovation
    • 3,800 private and public jobs, including 900 teacher-researchers
    • 2,800 students
    • France's leading research cluster in mechanics and energetics
    • Head of the optics-photonics competitiveness cluster: Optitec
Directeur du Département de Mécanique
Responsable administrative de département

The Department of Mechanics is located in the Technopôle de Château-Gombert.

Postal address:

Department of Mechanics - Faculty of Sciences

JOLIOT CURIE Building (Unimeca)

60 rue Frédéric Joliot Curie - 13453 Marseille cedex 13
