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Clone of Clone of Degree in Physics and Chemistry

Bi- and inter-disciplinary training in physics and chemistry for research and teaching.





  • Develop a solid base of knowledge and skills in physics, chemistry and the interface between the two.
  • Master formal and numerical languages.
  • Develop an independent and rigorous scientific approach based on solid experimental skills and knowledge.
  • Develop a sense of direction by developing the thinking, critical thinking and initiative needed for further study (master's degree, engineering school).

Target audience & prerequisites

  • Students interested in the two disciplines of physics and chemistry, as well as their interfaces, and wishing to move into teaching or research in the sciences of matter and materials.
  • Entry to the Marie-Curie Portal (L1) is possible for students holding the baccalauréat with two of the following scientific specializations: Physics-Chemistry or Engineering Sciences AND Mathematics, or equivalent diploma.

    The Licence is directly accessible in L2 or L3 (on application) for students who have taken physics and chemistry courses, and who are graduates of other higher education courses such as scientific licenses, preparatory classes or scientific BUTs.

Skills and knowledge

The Physics-Chemistry License program is structured around three blocks of knowledge and skills.

  • Block 1: "from pupil to enlightened student": the courses Methodology of University Work, Personal and Professional Student Project, Laboratory Discovery and Advanced English and French, will enable students to conceptualize, structure and build a professional and/or scientific project, individually or as part of a team, through the implementation of an autonomous and rigorous approach.
  • Block 2: "Disciplinary foundation": this is made up of Physics, Chemistry and Physical Chemistry courses, which enable students to develop a foundation of disciplinary concepts and phenomena within and between the two disciplines, so as to be able to understand and solve the scientific problems specific to this course, with a view to research or teaching.
  • Block 3: "the language of science": courses in mathematics, numerical tools and the experimental approach will enable students to acquire formal, numerical and experimental tools and apply them in a targeted context.

