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Organization of studies

  • Organization of a training course

    Each course offered by the CTES is composed of teaching units (UE). It is supervised by teaching teams composed of teacher-researchers from the University of Aix-Marseille. An academic year is divided into two periods, each corresponding to one semester of the academic year. For a distance student, the teaching of a period is spread out from October to May.

    It is possible to register for the courses of both periods. However, this is strongly discouraged for people who have little time available (employees, families, high-level athletes, etc.) because the courses of both periods are given at the same time (and not consecutively) and the duration of the exams is extended.

    The student who chooses to register for both periods must also understand that he/she will have to be organized and have a good autonomy to adapt. He/she will have to analyze the programs of the UE of each period and to evaluate by himself/herself and/or by exchanging with the persons in charge of the courses if he/she judges that he/she can face the difficulties generated by his/her choice (for a small number of UE of period 2, acquisitions of period 1 can be taken into account). Each semester gives the opportunity to acquire 30 credits (noted ECTS); to obtain the diploma of Licence it is necessary to acquire the 180 credits. A mention (TB, B, AB) can be given by the diploma jury on the basis of the results.

  • Rules of progression

    In each semester several different subjects are taught, which are called Teaching Units (TU). Each UE is endowed with a certain number of credits, 6 or 3; a semester can thus be made up of 5 UEs with 6 credits, or 4 UEs with 6 credits plus 2 UEs with 3 credits, etc. The courses can be compulsory for a course, or optional (choice from a list), or free (discovery course chosen from the offer).

    To acquire the credits for a UE, you must obtain at least a 10/20 average for this UE; it is all or nothing. An acquired UE is definitively acquired (and cannot be retaken).

    A semester is validated if all the UEs of the semester are acquired; if not, it is also validated by compensation of the averages of the UEs of the semester, with the weight in credits for coefficient. A semester validated by the semester jury is definitively acquired and provides the 30 credits (the UEs of this semester cannot be retaken).

    The new decree relating to the licenses also gives the possibility of compensating at the level of a year. The new license makes it possible to obtain the year if the general average of the 2 semesters constituting the year is higher or equal to 10

    For each semester there are two examination sessions. The UEs not acquired or not validated by compensation at the first session must be retaken at the second session, known as the catch-up session; for these UEs, the marks of the first session are not kept.

    The methods of knowledge control (MCC) are varied and are chosen by those in charge of each UE: written exams, continuous control, oral exams, graded projects, thesis or internship report, etc. At the beginning of each year they are published on the faculty website.

    Repeating a year is allowed within the limit of five administrative registrations for the whole three years of the licence (see student guide). When repeating a year, a student can register for certain UEs of the following year, if the jury considers it useful for the student.

  • The educational documents

    The courses, exercises, answers and homework are available online on our educational platform (AMETICE). They can be sent by post in some courses.

  • Monitoring of students

    At the beginning of the year, students are given their work schedule and information concerning the organization of their training is regularly communicated to them throughout the year. They can exchange with their teachers or with other students in forums on the educational platform (AMETICE). They regularly have assignments to hand in, which are returned corrected and graded.

  • The practical work

    In the teaching elements involving compulsory practical work, these are prepared during the year with the help of documents, and carried out in the form of internships on the University's premises, in January and/or June (for more details, see documentation in the Formations tab)

  • Reviews

    They take place in Marseille, in June for the 1st session, in September for the 2nd session; the duration of the stay is from one to three weeks depending on the training.

    This requires that you make the necessary organisational arrangements from the beginning of the course, in particular with your employer to inform him/her.

    In order to facilitate and plan your administrative procedures (preparation of a short stay visa/passport, etc.), we will send you a provisional semester calendar for each course, mentioning the general start and end dates of the exams for the two sessions in mid-February.

    Your individual exam calendar will be available on your digital working environment (ENT) , section schooling>student file>exam calendar at least 1 month before your exams. It will allow you to request the necessary leave from your employer, as well as to book your transport and accommodation tickets.

    In some cases, these exams can take place abroad ( except when the exams include compulsory practical work which will be organised in Marseille). The choice of an examination centre must be made by the student before the beginning of March. A form will be available on the educational platform in December.

    Foreign students who do not have the right to reside in France : You do not have to go through the "Études en France" system (ex Campus France). A short stay visa (tourist visa...) is enough to come to Marseille for the practical sessions and exams, not exceeding 3 weeks.


    How to access your results ?

    The results are published once the exam juries are over (the juries take place consecutively over a period of 10 to 15 days after the exams). The jury schedule will be published on the AMETICE educational platform.

    Connect to your ENT

    Click on the tab " student file " then on the heading " Notes and results ".

Design of studies

  • Student with a disability

    By registering at the CTES, you can request a specific arrangement for exams.

    1. The Mission Handicap guides you through the process and explains the steps to follow until you obtain your Personalized Plan for Higher Education (PPES):

      Mission Handicap Marseille Centre St Charles

      University of Aix-Marseille

      3 place Victor Hugo

      13331 Marseille cedex 3

      04 13 55 06 70/99


    2. The Interuniversity Service of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion (SIUMPPS) located in St Charles establishes a certificate of recommended accommodations in relation to your disability (medical file to be provided*) necessary for the implementation of your PPES.

      Contact :

      SIUMPPS Marseille Centre - St Charles site

      Building 5 - Block C - 6th floor

      3, place Victor Hugo - box 34 - 13003 Marseille

      Tel : 04 13 55 00 07

      Mail :

    If you are unable to attend these appointments:

    The Mission Handicap can be reached by e-mail contact Me Duflot :

    SIUMPPS Marseille St Charles, contact Dr Penna:

    A complete file must be sent to the doctor:

    • your contact details
    • information on the schooling of registration (cycle year and field)
    • medical report including medical certificates, hospitalization reports or speech therapy reports (less than 2 years old for learning disabilities).
    • previous accommodations
    • the desired accommodation(s)

  • Student deprived of freedom

    How to register a person deprived of liberty at the CTES :

    1. Application for admission (for a first enrolment in a Bachelor or Master degree) :

      Before proceeding with the registration, the referent of the penitentiary establishment in which the future student concerned is incarcerated must contact the CTES as soon as possible, to establish an agreement between the University of Aix-Marseille (AMU) and the penitentiary establishment.

      According to the agreement concluded between the two institutions :

      The person deprived of liberty must apply for admission before enrolling, and in the event of difficulties in accessing the various application mechanisms, a paper application file may be sent on request.

      After the opinion of the pedagogical commission, if the admission is validated, a pedagogical contract will be arranged, taking into account the constraints imposed on this student.

    2. Registration-Re-registration :

      In order to be enrolled and to receive the courses, it is necessary to proceed to an administrative registration + a pedagogical registration:

      The pedagogical contract must be attached to the pedagogical registration file.

Other information

  • Student card

    Nous délivrons les cartes étudiantes sur demande. Elle vous sera utile notamment dans le cadre de votre venue aux examens.

    Nous vous communiquerons bientôt la procédure à suivre pour demander votre carte.

  • Courses

  • Diploma

    La délivrance papier de votre diplôme nécessite de remplir le formulaire intitulé " demande de diplôme " et de nous le renvoyer avec les pièces à fournir par télé-demande en précisant l'année universitaire exacte d'obtention ( ex: obtention année universitaire : 2022-2023 ). Prévoir plusieurs semaines de délais de traitement.