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Luminy - My site schooling


  • Descartes

    Descartes Portal

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Year supervisors: Guiseppe DI MOLFETTA and Thomas LEONI

    PES Descartes

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Heads of year: Amélie FERRE
  • Pastor

    Pasteur Portal

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Responsible for the year :
      • PASTEUR Portal: Patrice CRETE and Gilles QUELEVER
      • CMI curriculum: Philippe NAQUET

    PES Pasteur

    • Examination of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Heads of year : Jean-Michel BREZUN

    AMNS Pasteur

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Responsible for the year : GOUBERT Emmanuelle
  • Health Access Licence (LAS)

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Head of L1 - L2 and L3 LAS: SEDDIK Riad
  • Life Sciences

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Responsible for the years :
      • L2 Life Sciences: Thomas RIVAL and Philippe KACHIDIAN
      • L3 Biochemistry: Corinne KREUZER and Jean-Pierre DUNEAU
      • L3 Cellular Biology: Sophie BLEVES and Nicolas BERTRAND
    • Inter-site manager of the SV mention: Christophe PELLEGRINO
  • Life and Earth Sciences

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Head of year :
      • L2 Sea: Frédéric DIAZ
      • L3 Sea: Christel PINAZO
    • Inter-site managers of the SVT mention: Bertrand MARTIN-GARIN and Christel PINAZO
  • Mathematics

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Head of year :
      • L2 Maths: Ctirad KLIMCIK
      • L3 Maths: Serge TROUBETZKOY
    • Inter-site managers of the Mathematics mention: Laure CARDOULIS - Stéphane RIGAT - Karl OELJEKLAUS
  • Computer Science

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Head of year :
      • L2 Info: Stéphane GRANDCOLAS
      • L3 Info: Line JAMET-JAKUBIEC
    • Inter-site manager of the Computer Science mention: Severine FRATANI
  • Chemistry

    • Methods of control of knowledge : MCC by UE
    • Timetable: The timetable is available via the ENT (planning section)
    • Head of year :
      • L2 Chemistry: Elena ZABOROVA
      • L3 Chemistry: Frédéric BIASO
    • Inter-site managers of the Chemistry field: Gilles QUELEVER (head) and Murielle SCHMITT (deputy head)



Computer Science
